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4.5 PLUS 29 2010-09-07
kiona pose la question :
4.5 PLUS 29
Penny Nom lui répond.
The new diameter is 50 per cent larger than the original. 2010-09-04
mahwish pose la question :
. A circular logo is enlarged to fit the lid of a jar. The new diameter is 50 per cent larger than the original. By what percentage has the area of the logo increased?
Tyler Wood lui répond.
Driving north, east and west 2010-09-02
dane pose la question :
suppose that you drive 27 miles north, 31 miles east, 45 miles west, and 14 miles east. how far are you from your starting point?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A pattern 2010-09-01
Hien pose la question :
How to find the pattern in this function?
x=1, y=o
x=2, y=1
x=3, y=1
x=4, y=2
x=5, y=2
x=6, y=3
x=7, y=3 and so on...

Tyler Wood lui répond.
How are decimals used in every day life? 2010-09-01
Keith pose la question :
how are deciminal used in every day life
Tyler Wood lui répond.
Maximizing the volume of a cylinder 2010-08-31
Haris pose la question :
question: the cylinder below is to be made with 3000cm^2 of sheet metal. the aim of this assignment is to determine the dimensions (r and h) that would give the maximum volume. how do i do this? i have no idea. can you please send me a step-to-step guide on how t do this? thank you very much.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Three cars 2010-08-30
Anil pose la question :
3 cars are moving at speed of 4 kmph,5.5 kmph and 8 kmph in a circular track.The circular track has a distance of 11 km. What is the time taken for all the 3 cars to meet at the starting point ?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
A truck goes south and then east 2010-08-26
MARK pose la question :
A truck starts at point A and drives South 3 miles. Then it turns left at Point B and drives east four miles to point C. How many miles is the truck at point C from point A if it were to drive directly from point A to Point C.My book says the answer is 5 miles. How did they come up with the answer?
Robert Dawson lui répond.
Percentage improvement 2010-08-26
shahrukh pose la question :

We had a web page that was taking 12 secs to load. Now it loads in 3 secs. What is the percentage of improvement or how much faster is it working now. TO me it looks like it is working 3 times faster or there is a 300% improvement in the loading time. However my client says its ((12-3)/12*)100 = 75% improved. Which seems illogical on the face of it.

Thanks for your help

Robert Dawson and Chris Fisher lui répond.
What is -2^2? 2010-08-25
alex pose la question :
I know that (-2)^2 is 4 but what is -2^2?
Robert Dawson and Penny Nom lui répond.
Can a fraction be an even or odd number? 2010-08-25
Kenneth pose la question :
Can a fraction be an even or odd number? If not , why?
Stephen La Rocque and Harley Weston lui répond.
Ordering fractions 2010-08-24
COCO pose la question :
Hello. I am having lots of trouble with these types of problems. Here is one of them:1/2 1/18 3/6. And I need to order them from greatest to least. Please also explain how to do it.
Robert Dawson lui répond.
Exponential form 2010-08-24
Courtney pose la question :
What the Exponential form? For Ex. X2*X5*X4??
Penny Nom lui répond.
A max min problem 2010-08-19
Mark pose la question :
a rectangular field is to be enclosed and divided into four equal lots by fences parallel to one of the side. A total of 10000 meters of fence are available .Find the area of the largest field that can be enclosed.
Penny Nom lui répond.
A vertical asymptote 2010-08-19
Kendall pose la question :
If a compound function is defined as 1/x for x<0 and 5 for x>=0 does it have a vertical asymptote at x=0? According to the definition in my book I think it does because the left-hand limit is infinity and it only takes one side to cause a vertical asyptote. Thanks!
Harley Weston lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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