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Mr Thorpe's volume 2010-08-15
thomas pose la question :
A circular pool has a diameter of 3m and is filled to a depth of 70 cm. Mr Thorpe climbs into the pool and submerges for ten seconds while his son measures the new depth at 72 cm. Calculate Mr Thorpe’s volume.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Digging a pond 2010-08-14
Jody pose la question :
I am digging a pond that is 100' X 60' X 10' deep in the centre. All four sides will have 3-1 slopes on them. How do I calculate how may yards of material will have to be removed?
Tyler Wood lui répond.
A circular 20 acre lake 2010-08-13
Ken pose la question :
I jog around a circular 20 acre lake. Please help me learn the distance of the perimeter of the lake so I will know my jogging distance. Thanks
Stephen La Rocque and Tyler Wood lui répond.
Quel est le 6e nombre dans la serie suivante 2010-08-13
jeff pose la question :
Quel est le 6e nombre dans la serie suivante: 1,2,6,42,1806,...
Stephen La Rocque and Claude Tardif lui répond.
How many labels are left on a roll? 2010-08-13
Melissa pose la question :
Is there a simple way to calculate how many labels are left on a roll? I thought there was a way to look at the individual label length, the label thickness and the core diameter and then measure the overall diameter to calculate how many pieces were left, but I'm struggling. I've seen a tool before- I thought we called it a circle calculator, but those parameters were all that I needed to input to spit out the correct count. I never saw what was behind the scenes for this calculation. Ie factoring in revolutions or the number of pieces on each layer, etc. Please let me know if you have any suggestions. Any assistance will be greatly appreciated!!! Thanks!
Penny Nom and Tyler Wood lui répond.
80,000 yards of dirt 2010-08-12
Jeremy pose la question :
If I have an area 50' x 1200', what would be the elevation with 80,000 yards of dirt on it.
Robert Dawson lui répond.
There are 12 balls and one balls weight is different than the others 2010-08-12
david pose la question :
if there was 12 balls and one balls weight is different than the other and use a balance 3 times is there a possible way to find which weigh different
Robert Dawson lui répond.
Running 100 km 2010-08-12
thomas pose la question :
Another athlete runs 8 laps every day on the same 400m running track. How many days will it take him to run a total of 100 km?
Robert Dawson lui répond.
Differentiable on an interval 2010-08-12
Dave pose la question :
Hi I was wondering if a function can be differentiable at its endpoint. For example if I have Y = X^2 and it is bounded on closed interval [1,4], then is the derivative of the function differentiable on the closed interval [1,4] or open interval (1,4). They always say in many theorems that function is continuous on closed interval [a,b] and differentiable on open interval (a,b) and an example of this is Rolle's theorem. Thank you for your help.
Robert Dawson lui répond.
An octagonal shaped cake 2010-08-12
Sara pose la question :
Hi, I have tried many polynomial equations and substitution methods but i cant seem to get the right answer. Can you please provide some guidance?
A square cake tin is 24cm x 24cm x 7cm but a cook wants to make an octagonal shaped cake so has cut out 4 pieces of rectangular card board and placed one on each corner on the interior of the tin. The cake has to be a regular octagon so pieces must be just right. What is the size of each piece of cardboard to make the cake a regular octagon? Thankyou.

Tyler Wood lui répond.
Two cars on a circular track 2010-08-12
david pose la question :
If two cars starts to drive at point 1 and go in a circle when will they meet? (one cars speed is faster the other ) all I need is a formula
Tyler Wood lui répond.
Disposing of some concrete 2010-08-12
Kathy pose la question :
We are needing to dispose of concrete that we are tearing out of our backyard and I need to figure the dimensions and weight. I figured we have approx. 419 sq ft of concrete at 4" thick. Could you tell me the how much that comes to in cubic ft, cubic yards and weight. So I can get some estimates on pricing to haul off and dispose of. thank you
Harley Weston and Tyler Wood lui répond.
Algebraic Equations 2010-08-10
Justin pose la question :
the amount of money that Mika has if she has some quarters

how fast Rya runs if she runs 5 mi/h slower than Danae
please help,
thanks, justin

Robert Dawson lui répond.
The integral of (x^2*exp(x)/(exp(x)-1)^2 2010-08-09
sujoy pose la question :
please find this integral for me


Robert Dawson lui répond.
Ratios 2010-08-06
Ashleigh pose la question :
Hi, I am dealing with ratios of me and 9 other students. I was wondering how you turn an arm span and height into a ratio? for example if a person has a height of 62 and an arm span of 63 what would the ratio be for that?
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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