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A strip of land 2010-09-15
Walter pose la question :
How many linear feet of strip of land 15 feet wide does it take to make 1 acre?
Penny Nom lui répond.
La racine carrée et l'exposant une demie 2010-09-14
Alain pose la question :
Bonjour. Je cherche une explication sur l'équivalence entre les exposants fractionnaires et les racines nième. Par exemple, comment prouve-t'on que la racine carrée correspond à  l'exposant une demie? merci
Pierre-Louis Gagnon et Claude Tardif lui répond.
Two numbers 2010-09-14
Sania pose la question :
math homework help-Felicia is thinking of two numbers. One of them is 2 more than 3 times the other one. The difference between the squares of these numbers is 112. What is the smaller number?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The nth term 2010-09-14
Anna pose la question :
The problem is 2n-2. find the nth term. I'm lost as how to even begin
Penny Nom lui répond.
Choose any three digits that are less than ten 2010-09-12
cecille pose la question :
my son have a homework, but i don't understand the question. here's the problem:
choose any three digits that are less than ten.
make all the two digit number you can using those three digits.
add up the two digit numbers you created and divided by the sum of the original three digits.
record your answer. then do it again with another three digits. write your observation about the answer.

Claude Tardif lui répond.
The length of a vector 2010-09-12
kyrie pose la question :
Find the possible values of the constant a such that
| ai + 4aj + 4k | = 13
I know the answer is 3 but not sure how to get to it

Penny Nom lui répond.
Two perpendicular chords 2010-09-11
edwin pose la question :
two perpendicular chords AB and CD intersect at P. if X,Y are their midpoints and M the centre of the circle, prove that MP=XY. I do not a have clue on how to do it so can you please help me with it
Robert Dawson lui répond.
(5xy)^5 2010-09-10
ana pose la question :
Penny Nom lui répond.
An algebraic equation with fractions 2010-09-10
leah pose la question :
If 6/x - (x-1)/2 = 4 then the LCD is 2x, right? so you get 12/2x - (x2-x)/2x = 8x/2x, right? then what do you do with the 2x when you turn it into a quadratic equation?
Penny Nom lui répond.
How many cubic metres of water can safely be stored in the tank? 2010-09-10
susanna pose la question :
This water tank is a perfect sphere with an inner radius of 12 metres. However, they used inferior materials to build the water tank, and the tank can only withstand a water pressure of 185 kiloPascals. Assume the density of water is exactly 1000 kg/m3, gravity is 9.8 metres/s2, and disregard atmospheric pressure. How many cubic metres of water can safely be stored in the tank? Round DOWN to the nearest whole number (since rounding up could be catastrophic in this instance!), and please submit only a number with no other information.
Robert Dawson lui répond.
Mrs. Johns graded 121 math tests. 2010-09-10
Tums pose la question :
Mrs. Johns graded 121 math tests. It took her 3 hours to grade all of the tests. Each test took the same amount of time to grade. About how many test did Mrs. Johns grade in 2 hours?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A building and a flag pole 2010-09-09
paul pose la question :
A flag pole and a building stand on the same horizontal level. From the point p at the bottom of the building,the angle of elevation of the top t of the flag pole is 65 degrees. From the top q of the building the angle of elevation of the point t is 25 degrees.If the building is20 meters high. Calculate the distance pt
Penny Nom lui répond.
Arrays 2010-09-09
Susan pose la question :
I'm a lawyer but evidently incredibly stupid at 4th grade math. . . .Question: cover a tabletop with 9 rows of square tiles with 9 squares in each row. How many tiles cover the tabletop? Then, the paper shows a 9x9 array and asks how it is used to solve the problem. My daughter wrote 9x9=81. The next question is "what are the products of the two smaller arrays?" ???? There are no other arrays - are we to make smaller arrays from the 9x9? how?
Robert Dawson lui répond.
A logarithmic equation 2010-09-08
Rohit pose la question :
x^2 + k*ln(x) - c - k = 0

Where k and c are constants.

Penny Nom lui répond.
Decimal form 2010-09-08
Tracy pose la question :
What is the decimal form of 0.14 x 10 the the first power?
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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