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How many gallons of water will it take to fill a classroom? 2010-12-01
deena pose la question :
How many gallons of water will it take to fill a classroom that is 26 feet long by 19 feet wide and 9 feet high? How many tons of water will that be?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Can determine if it is scalene, isosceles, or equilateral 2010-12-01
Jessie pose la question :
find the measures of the sides of triangle KPL and classify each triangle by its sides. my first problem would be K(-3,2) P(2,1) L(-2,-3) ...The three points they give you are the vertices of the triangle and you need to match them up. Draw the triangle and write in the vertices and the related point with the vertex. You will then do the distance formula three times to find the distance of all three sides. Once you have the three sides you can determine if it is scalene, isosceles, or equilateral...using the distance formula how do i solve this?
Penny Nom lui répond.
I am confused by BEDMAS 2010-12-01
Steve pose la question :
I am confused by BEDMAS in this question

100 / 2 x 3 + 1=

I believe it to be 151

Am I correct?

Harley Weston lui répond.
Linear inequalities with absolute values 2010-12-01
ryan pose la question :
Good day!
We we're given this assignment in algebra concerning linear inequalities with absolute value. In this number I'm confused how to isolate the absolute value, considering there is a variable in the absolute value and there is a variable in the outside.

2+5 |4-3t|+t ≤ -3-4t

Penny Nom lui répond.
A rectangular piece of plywood 2010-11-30
Austin pose la question :
A rectangular piece of plywood is trimmed to make it square by cutting a 4cm strip off the top and a 2cm strip off one side. If the area of the original piece is 74cm2 greater than the area of the square, find the dimensions of the rectangle.
Penny Nom lui répond.
6 rounds of golf 2010-11-29
Andy pose la question :
I wonder if you are able to assist me with scheduling pairings for a forthcoming Golf Tournament ?

There are 7 players and we will be playing 6 rounds - each round will be a 3 ball and a 4 ball. I am trying to work out a schedule that means everyone plays with each other roughly the same number of times. Also, we are looking to ensure everyone plays in roughly the same number of 3 and 4 balls. Any suggestions would be much appreciated - thank you.

Chris Fisher lui répond.
A punch-code lock box 2010-11-29
Doug pose la question :
I am a real estate agent that uses punch-code lock boxes on houses to store the keys. I need to crack the code on one of our boxes, so I need a list of the possible combinations.
4 digit code
Numbers 0-9
Each number can only be used once
Order of the numbers does not matter.

With advice from this site, I have calculated that there should be 210 possibilities. 10x9x8x7 (5040) gives me the total number possibilities and 4x3x2x1 (24) gives me the total number of ways to arrange those numbers. So if I divide the possibilities by the arrangement, I get 210. (5040 / 24 = 210) GREAT!!!

Now, how do I develop a list of those 210 combinations?

Thanks for your help.

Robert Dawson lui répond.
A binomial random variable 2010-11-29
yvette pose la question :
a binomial random variable has a mean equal to 200 and standard deviation of 10. find the values of n and p.
Penny Nom lui répond.
A sector of a circle 2010-11-29
Mel pose la question :
Find the area of a sector of a circle that has a central angle of 13pi/18 and a radius of 12cm. Round answer to nearest 10th degree
Penny Nom lui répond.
What is its speed in still air? 2010-11-28
Shelby pose la question :
An Airplane flies a certain distance in 3 hours going WITH a 40km/hr wind. It travels the same distance in 5 hours when going against the wind. What is it's speed and how long would it take to travel the same distance in still air? Distance = speed x time
Penny Nom lui répond.
What is the 5% GST 2010-11-27
Louise pose la question :
I am doing our business books and could you please tell me how to figure out how to calculate what the 5% GST would be on a total. Such as in example.....$78.79 total figure.....what would be the GST portion. How do you figure it out. ??

Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Hours minutes and seconds 2010-11-26
beket pose la question :
I need to turn 1.486588292 into real time hours minutes and seconds. I keep getting multiple answers. Online conversions give me 1 hour 29 minutes and either 11 or 12 seconds. On the calculator I get 1 hour 29 minutes and 20 seconds. Can you explain how to turn this decimal into time?
Robert Dawson and Penny Nom lui répond.
t scores, z scores, standard scores and percentile ranks 2010-11-25
Imogen pose la question :
I have an assignment that requires me to calculate the t scores, z scores, standard scores and percentile ranks of 3 children on a vocab task. I am struggling with how to calculate the correct T-scores for the children, my tutor has said that the sample has a mean of 50 and standard deviation of 10. So on a z- score of 2.0 (2 SD's from the mean) it would be 50 + 10+10 = T score of 70. However the Z- scores i have are not whole numbers so I am struggling with it, i have one that is 1.27 , another that is 0.47 and the last one is 0.80. If you could help me on how to calculate these to get T scores that would be great. Thanks.
Robert Dawson lui répond.
Sides and diagonals of a polygon 2010-11-25
nicky pose la question :
The sum of sides of two polygons is 12 and the sum of their diagonals is 19. What kind of polygon are they?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A man made circular lake 2010-11-25
ailish pose la question :
A man made circular lake has a diameter of 338 m. A bridge is to be constructed across the lake in such a way that it is 119 m away from the center of the lake. How long is the bridge?
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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