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The length is twice its breadth 2010-12-09
jenu pose la question :
The length of the rectangular field is twice its breadth. A man jogged around it 5 times and covered a distance of 3 km. what is the length of the field?
Penny Nom lui répond.
80 miles in 40 minutes 2010-12-08
james pose la question :
i travel 8o miles in 40 minutes. how fast am i going in mph
Penny Nom lui répond.
A rectangular solid 2010-12-08
ryan pose la question :
Good day! Have a question on rectangular solids. We were asked to find the dimensions of a rectangular solid, we were only given the volume of the rectangular solid, the total area, and the altitude. I tried using the volume of the rectangular solid and was able to get the area of the base, but I don't know how to get its length and its width. Hope you could help me again. Thanks!
Penny Nom lui répond.
Sales as a function of advertising 2010-12-08
Adori pose la question :
The sales S(in thousands if units) of a product after x hundred dollars is spent on advertising is given by S=10(1-e^kx). Find S as a function of x if 2500 units are sold when $500 is spent on advertising.
Penny Nom lui répond.
A water tank has the shape of a right circular cone 2010-12-07
mike pose la question :
A water tank has the shape of a right circular cone with height 12 feet and radius 8 feet. Water is running into the tank so that the radius r (in feet) of the surface of the water is given by r=0.75t where t is the time (in minutes) that the water has been running. the volume V of the water is given by V=1/3 pi r^2h. Find V(t) and use it to determine the volume of the water when t=5 minutes.
Penny Nom lui répond.
A television camera at a basketball court 2010-12-06
ryan pose la question :
Can you just please give me an idea on how the diagram would look like. I'm really confused.

A television camera is 30 ft. from the sideline of a basketball court 94 ft long. The camera is located 7 ft from the midcourt. Through what angle must it sweep in order to cover all action on the court?

Penny Nom lui répond.
Simultaneous equations 2010-12-05
ryan pose la question :

Question from ryan, a student:

3         4
--   -    --      =     1      (1)
x         y

7       2             11
--   -  --        =   --       (2)
x       y              12

Chris Fisher and Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
The percent-day method 2010-12-04
Kenneth pose la question :
I read about this method in an old business mathematics book and was curious about how it works to produce the correct answer.

“Percent-day method is based on 360 days’ time and 1% interest. Any interest rate multiplied by any number of days is equal to so many %-days.”
Example: 82 days at 5% equals 410%-days.

Penny Nom lui répond.
Fifty votes were cast in a class election 2010-12-03
nympha pose la question :
Fifty votes were cast in class election, Beth got 1/5 of the votes. Helen got as many votes as Jane and Peter put it together. Peter got 1/3 as much votes as Jane. How much votes did each of the four candidates received?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Angular speed 2010-12-03
Julie pose la question :
If the angular speed of a circle is 360 degrees divided by the time it took to rotate, how do I calculate ones that have greater rotations than the amount of time? I mean, you calculate the angular speed of a merry-go-around that spins once every 5 seconds by doing 360degrees/5 sec, but how do you calculate a merry-go-around that has 16 rotations every 4 seconds?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Simplify the logarithmic expression 2010-12-02
Adori pose la question :
Use the properties of logarithms to simplify the logarithmic expression. Log(1/250) base 5
Penny Nom lui répond.
Two chords in a circle 2010-12-02
girma pose la question :
one chord of a circle is 8cm long and it's distance from the center is 4cm long.what will be the length of another chord, of the same circle ,which is 2cm from the center
Penny Nom lui répond.
Find all the roots 2010-12-02
gagan pose la question :
find all the roots of z^5-3z^4+2z^3+z^2-3z+2
Stephen La Rocque and Penny Nom lui répond.
A normal distribution problem 2010-12-02
Racquel pose la question :
I am stuck on this question. I am not sure if using the z score will help me get the answer I need. Here is the question?

The average length of time per week that students at this university spend on homework is normally distributed with a mean of 18 hours and a standard deviation of 3 hours. If Diane spends more time on homework each week than 75% of students, what is the minimum time she must spend?

Penny Nom lui répond.
The height of the trapezoid 2010-12-01
Ryan pose la question :
A trapezoid has an area of 10.5 cm squared and parallel sides that measure 5.0 cm and 2.0 cm what is the height of the trapezoid
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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