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Golf pairings 2010-12-17
AL pose la question :
I have a golf tourney where we have fourteen players and are playing five times/rounds of golf. I am trying to pair up two threesomes and two foursomes so we don't play with the same person twice or the least amount of times.
Victoria West lui répond.
[sec^2x]*[sec^2x] 2010-12-16
Hari pose la question :
Penny Nom lui répond.
Draw a figure with 16 triangles using only 6 line segements 2010-12-16
Jill pose la question :
How can you draw a figure with 16 triangles using only 6 line segements?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
The height of an iceberg 2010-12-16
Sharon pose la question :
if an iceberg can be seen 10% or 70 meters above the water, what is the measurement in meters of the iceberg below the surface of the water?
Robert Dawson and Penny Nom lui répond.
How do I prove that the quadrilateral is a Rhombus? 2010-12-16
Matthew pose la question :
Quadrilateral KLMN has vertices K(2,3), L(7,3), M(4,7) and N(-1,7). How do I prove that the quadrilateral is a Rhombus??
Robert Dawson and Penny Nom lui répond.
The perimeter of a quarter circle 2010-12-15
kim pose la question :
how do you figure the perimeter of a quarter circle that has a radius of 7 inches? I would like to have the explanation of how you figure it out. Thank you
Penny Nom lui répond.
A geometric progression 2010-12-15
Abeth pose la question :
find the value of x so that 2(x-1), x+3, x will be a geometric progression.
Penny Nom lui répond.
The value after 30 years 2010-12-15
Abeth pose la question :
At the end of every year, the owners of a building which costs 2, 500, 000 pesos deducts 15% from its carrying value as estimated at the beginning of the year. find the estimated value at the end of 30 years.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Area and volume of a parallelepiped 2010-12-14
ryan pose la question :
Got a question, I'm really confused what the question mean and how the diagram would look like... someone please help... Here's the question.

The base of a parallelepiped is a rectangle 4m by 6m. If its lateral edge is 8m and is inclined at an angle 45 degrees to a 6m edge of the base, find the total area and volume of its parallelepiped.

My dilemma is what does it mean by the lateral edge of 8m is inclined at 45 degrees to a 6m edge of the base? Can someone post a diagram to help me solve the promble. Thanks in advance.

Chris Fisher lui répond.
Ordering fractions 2010-12-14
serita pose la question :
1/2,2/4,4/8 how do you do least to greatest
Penny Nom lui répond.
An inequality 2010-12-13
jimmy pose la question :
1.7b-1.1 <2.3
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Angular speed 2010-12-12
Jason pose la question :
7 in. pulley traveling @ 175ft/sec. What is the rpm?
Stephen La Rocque and Penny Nom lui répond.
A railway cut 2010-12-12
jade pose la question :
the pennsylvania railroad found it necessary,owing to land slides upon the roadbed,to reduce the angle of inclination of one bank of certain railway cut near pittsburgh,pa.,from an original angle of 45 degrees to a new angle of 30 degrees. the bank as it originally stood was 200 ft.long and had a slant length of 60 ft.. find the amount of the earth removed, if the top level of the bank remained unchanged.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Angle of elevation 2010-12-10
PANKAJ pose la question :
angle of elevation of the sun perpendicular72 and base 88 find angle
Penny Nom lui répond.
(5+3)/2-3= 2010-12-10
chantal pose la question :
Claude Tardif lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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