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The perimeter of a rectangle 2010-11-24
shericka pose la question :
a rectangle has a perimeter of 60cm. its length is 5 times greater than its width. what is its length?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A remainder of 3 2010-11-24
khodr pose la question :
find the smallest number (>3) that , when divided by 6 , 8 , 15 , and 18 , gives a remainder of 3 .
Robert Dawson lui répond.
Determine if a point is inside a cube 2010-11-24
Ali pose la question :
hi every one i have a problem with cube they told me to write a program that determine if a point is inside a cube so i need the equation of the cube to do the comparison. in sphere it is easy sqrt((x-xp)+(y-yp)+(z-zp))<=radios if u please could help me
Robert Dawson lui répond.
How long will you and your friend be able to talk? 2010-11-23
beket pose la question :
you and your friend leave your home town at the same time your friend travels by train 45 mph directly east while you travel by train 50 mph going directly south you are talking on cell phone but you plan charges extra if the phones are 100 miles apart. How long will you and your friend be able to talk before the charges increase?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Ordering mixed numbers 2010-11-23
kate pose la question :
what are the mixed numbers 5 7/9, 5 1/2, 5 11/18. put least to greatest?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Two girls agree to mow a lawn 2010-11-23
Milorad pose la question :
Two girls agree to mow a lawn 60m by 80m so that the first girl cuts one half by cutting a uniform strip around the lawn. How wide a strip should the first girl cut?

I've been struggling with the question above, mainly with the equation and I have set it up as 2400=(60-2x)(80-2x), if this is incorrect I would like to know where I've gone wrong and also would like a full answer to see it properly done. I need an algebraic answer and not one with a diagram.

Penny Nom lui répond.
The rate of change of (8e^3x)+(27 e^-3x) 2010-11-23
Aleo pose la question :
I am unable to solve this problem: Find the rate of change of (8e^3x)+(27 e^-3x), with respect to x when x= 0.5
Penny Nom lui répond.
The nth term 2010-11-22
Daphne pose la question :

Question from Daphne, a student:

My name is Daphne and I am having trouble with a math problem. I am given this pattern below and asked to find an expression for the number of Bs in the nth term of the pattern. Someone please help!!!


The next part asks me to find the ratio of Bs to total letters in the nth term.

Finally it says to use my expression to determine which term has exactly 35% Bs.

Penny Nom lui répond.
i^i 2010-11-21
trale pose la question :
Can we use e^ix=cosx+isinx for finding i^i like that: x= pi/2 => e^(ipi/2)=0+i then [e^(ipi/2)]^i=i^i.then we find i^i= 0,207879576.... is it true? can we give value for x for free?thank you.
Harley Weston lui répond.
What is the largest prime number? 2010-11-20
vadali pose la question :
what is the largest prime number?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A product of 1 000 000 2010-11-19
Sharron pose la question :
There are many pairs of numbers that when multiplied together give a product of 1 000 000. However, there is one pair, and only one pair, of whole numbers that contain no zero digits and has a product of 1 000 000. What are these two numbers?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
A 35% profit 2010-11-19
Ana pose la question :
You have a stamp collection and make a 35% profit by selling it on E-Bay for $2700. Find the original cost of the collection by using the formula:New value × 100 / 100 + percent change = Original value
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
A 20" octagon 2010-11-19
CHARLES pose la question :
I have a 20" octagon and it has 8 parts. In inches how big is each part. I was told each part was 5.86".The top of the octagon breaks into 3 equal parts don't equal 20".When i did my math i thought it should be 6 5/8" which is closer to 20"
I am trying to cut a octagon out of a 20"circle

Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Intersecting polygons 2010-11-17
Laura pose la question :
How can I estimate the amount of intersection (area or better a normalized number) between two polygons if I have the cartesian coordinates of their vertices?

Thank you in advance,

Robert Dawson lui répond.
A scale drawing 2010-11-17
chandler pose la question :
A parking lot 200 meters wide; 1 centimeter:25 meters, find the length on the scale drawing and the scale factor
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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