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An irregular hexagon 2011-02-09
Emma pose la question :
Hello, I have math question about how to find the area of an irregular hexagon.
It is shaped like a backwards L and the side lengths are as follows
6 cm
Can you please help me find the area of this?

Penny Nom lui répond.
Two tangent circles 2011-02-09
xhesika(jessica) pose la question :
Two circles of radius 10 are tangent to each other.A tangent is drawn from the centre of one of the circles to the second circle.To the nearest integer find the area of the shaded region.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Throwing a football 2011-02-08
Janet pose la question :
a football is thrown into the air from 2 meters high. After 1 second it is 6.9 meters high. After another second it is 2 meters high. How high is it after 1.02 seconds and .05 seconds? when will it reach 5.136 meters? I am not sure how to extract the numbers I need and what equations to use them in?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Reversing the digits 2011-02-08
rejie pose la question :
if the digits are reverse , the number is 9 less than the original number.what is the equation?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A pattern is built with cubes. 2011-02-08
e pose la question :
A pattern is built with cubes.
The first item is 1 cube.
The second item is a block of 8 cubes.
The third item is a block of 27 cubes.
If the pattern is continued, how many cubes are needed for the fourth and fifth?

Penny Nom lui répond.
Rearrange for x 2011-02-06
sue pose la question :
(x+7)/3 = (3xy+2x)/4 rearrange for x
Penny Nom lui répond.
A tangent to a circle 2011-02-06
debz pose la question :
what is the formulae of the tangent to a circle.... our teacher gave us a lot of homework.. and she ask us to find the formulae by ourselves..
Penny Nom lui répond.
I have nine players, three rounds of golf 2011-02-05
Pat pose la question :
My problem is I have nine players three rounds of golf, please could you give me the best formula so that no two players play twice together
Victoria West lui répond.
What is the height of the building? 2011-02-05
Myra pose la question :
The angle of elevation is 45 degrees. The distance from George's foot to the top of the building is 50m. What is the height of the building?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Calibrating a conical tank 2011-02-05
Bill pose la question :
Hi, I have a round tank with tapered sides where I know the diameter at the top and bottom. Is there a formula I can use to calculate the volume by measuring from the bottom up the side (at the angle of the side) to any given point? Thanks, Bill
Stephen La Rocque and Penny Nom lui répond.
Daily life example of logarithms 2011-02-04
owais pose la question :
what are the application or daily life example of logarithms?
Harley Weston lui répond.
The nearest one and a half and the nearest inch 2011-02-02
Miranda pose la question :
REASON:sarah gave the same answer when asked to round 4 seven eighth inches to the nearest one and a half and the nearest inch. explain why sarah is correct?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A cone with a specific angle 2011-02-01
John pose la question :
Hi my daughter came with a seemingly easy question (which to me it was not) How to make/calculate a cone of a specific angle from top to bottom radius.
Penny Nom lui répond.
1 and four eights inches 2011-02-01
Miranda pose la question :
WRITING TO EXPLAIN:If a line is measured as 1 and four eighth inches long,explain how you could simplify the measurement?
Penny Nom lui répond.
An even multiple of 27 2011-02-01
parth pose la question :
the 6 digit # 63x904 is an even multiple of 27 what is X
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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