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A fence around a water tank 2011-02-01
Heath pose la question :
I am building a fence around a water tank. the fence is to be in the shape of a normal octagon. The tank has a circumference of 57 ' 6''. I would like the fence to be 3 ft from the tank at the skinny point . How would I calculate(for the simple guy) where to set each of my 4x4 posts at the 8 corners. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Harley Weston lui répond.
Three consecutive numbers 2011-01-31
parth pose la question :
name 3 consecutive numbers,each less then a 100,the smallest # is divisible by 6 the next is divisibel by 5 and the largest divisible by 4
Penny Nom lui répond.
22 people playing 6 rounds of golf 2011-01-31
angi pose la question :
I'm having a problem scheduling matches for a golf vacation. We have 22 people playing 6 rounds of golf. We know that we will need to have two 3 man pairings each day. Is there a way to make sure that is not a great deal of duplication. I did see how Penny answered a question in 2005 with the circles. Is there a way mathematically to do this or through excel?
Victoria West lui répond.
The area of a rectangle 2011-01-31
T.S. pose la question :
for which value of w does the rectangle below have an area of 864 square units if sides are width=w+15 and length=w-15
Penny Nom lui répond.
A mixed number 2011-01-30
Joyce pose la question :
express the fraction as a mixed or whole number 94/5
Penny Nom lui répond.
A player runs from second base to third base 2011-01-30
Marie pose la question :
A baseball diamond is a square with side 90 feet in length. A player runs from second base to third base at a rate of 18 ft/sec. At what rate is the area of the trapezoidal region, formed by line segments A, B, C, and D changing when D is 22.5
Distance A is the players distance from first base when running from 2nd to third. Distance D is his distance from 3rd base. Distance C is the distance from 3rd to 3rd to Home. Distance B is the distance from Home to First. I have found dA/dt in a previous problem.

Penny Nom lui répond.
The perimeter of a semicircle 2011-01-29
Keith pose la question :
I have the perimeter of a semi circle of 37 but how do I calculate the diameter from this. This is all the information I have.
Penny Nom lui répond.
(7cubed * 8(exponent6))exponent 6 2011-01-29
Shalaine pose la question :
What is the exponential form of (7cubed•8(exponent6))exponent 6?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The sides of an equilateral triangle 2011-01-27
Cristal pose la question :
Hello :) How can i find the sides of an equilateral triangle when only given the height 10m?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Scale factor 2011-01-25
Mackenzie pose la question :
hi my problem is:

a man that is 6 feet tall in real life and only .5 inches in a = photograph. what is the scale factor and scale of the photograph?


a girl in the same photograph is 4.8 feet tall. How tall is she in the = picture?=

Chris Fisher lui répond.
The area of isosceles triangle 2011-01-24
imraan pose la question :
how to find the area of isosceles triangle by knowing only its sides
Penny Nom lui répond.
16 golfers 2011-01-22
Jack pose la question :
I am responsible for setting up groups for 16 golfers for 7 days, is there a formula to calculate playing partners so that everyone gets to play with each person?
Victoria West lui répond.
Multiplication and order 2011-01-21
Janet pose la question :
Robert Dawson lui répond.
Four digits are to be randomly selected 2011-01-20
sarahbear pose la question :
Suppose four digits are to be randomly selected (repetitions allowed) Find the probability that
A. 5562 is selected
B.0000 is selected
C. All four digits are the same
D. 2 is the first digit selected

Penny Nom lui répond.
Mathematics and a musical dilemma 2011-01-19
rahul pose la question :
how is mathematics applied in entertainment?
Harley Weston lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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