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An acre divided into lots 2011-02-18
charlie pose la question :
If you have a square acre an divide it up in 2 foot by 3 foot lots how many lots would there be
Stephen La Rocque and Penny Nom lui répond.
Making a truncated cone 2011-02-18
lisa pose la question :
We need to make a cone that has the following dimensions.
14-3/8" diameter on large end
13-3/8" diameter on small end
4" tall

What are the dimensions I need to cut in order to make a cone with one seam?

Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Tom has 12 times as much money as Bill 2011-02-18
Chris pose la question :
Tom has 12 times as much money than Bill. Together they have $325 dollars. How much does each boy have?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
An imaginary infinite geometric tree 2011-02-18
Elise pose la question :
An imaginary infinite geometric tree grows 1m the first day. 2nd day 2 branches and right angles to each other and each 0.5 m long. 3rd day two new branches at ends of each of previous days' 2 branches, again at right angles, and only .25m long each.
And so on, infinitely.
Q: Use relationships of right-angled triangles and high school level knowledge of geometric series to show the tree height is limited to (4 + sqrt2)/3 m and width to (2(sqrt2 + 1))/3 m.

Robert Dawson lui répond.
La conjecture de Goldbach 2011-02-18
ahmedbenmoussa pose la question :
montrez que tout nombre entier paire supérieur à 4 s'écrit somme de deux nombres premiers
Claude Tardif lui répond.
Two conical tanks 2011-02-17
rustom pose la question :
Two vertical conical tanks (both inverted) have their vertices connected by a short horizontal pipe. One tank, initially full of water, has an altitude of 6 ft. and a diameter of base 7 ft. The other tank, initially empty, has an altitude of 9 ft., and a diameter of base 8 ft. If the water is allowed to flow through the connecting pipe, find the level to which the water will ultimately rise in the empty tank (Neglect the water in the pipe.)
Penny Nom lui répond.
The diagonals of a parallelogram 2011-02-17
ginger pose la question :
Find the diagonals of parallelogram where the the side is 40 and the bottom side is 15.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Points on a graph 2011-02-15
Maggie pose la question :
Which set of ordered pairs can be used to graph y = -2x-1.

B. (-2,-5),(1,-1),(5,9)
D. (-5,9),(-2,3),(4,-9)

I cannot figure it out. Could you help me?

Penny Nom lui répond.
Prove sin x = sin (pi - x) 2011-02-15
Janet pose la question :
Prove sin x = sin (pi - x)
Penny Nom lui répond.
(1-1/2)(2-2/3)(3-3/4)...(15-15/16)=n!/16 2011-02-15
Fiona pose la question :
Could you help me find the value of n: (1-1/2)(2-2/3)(3-3/4)...(15-15/16)=n!/16
Penny Nom lui répond.
What is the 6001st digit that Sam wrote? 2011-02-15
Sarah pose la question :
Sam wrote the natural numbers from 1 to 5280 in order. What is the 6001st digit that Sam wrote?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Factoring with fractions 2011-02-15
Megan pose la question :
Hi there, I'm working on factoring polynomials but this question has me quite puzzled.. im a college student in my first year.


Penny Nom lui répond.
The equation of a circle 2011-02-14
Cristela pose la question :
find the equation and all the information in General Form and Standard Form of the Circle that will passed trough the point (2,3) (6,1) (4,-3)
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
1/0 and 2/0 2011-02-11
Dixit pose la question :
How are the infinite number obtained by dividing 1 / 0 and 2 / 0 are different?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The equation of a sphere 2011-02-09
kelly pose la question :
what is the equation of a sphere if one of it's diameters has a giving end point of (4,4,4), (8,8,8)?
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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