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Designing a tin can 2011-03-31
Tina pose la question :
A tin can is to have a given capacity. Find the ratio of the height to diameter if the amount of tin ( total surface area) is a minimum.
Penny Nom lui répond.
The rectangle is reduced to 90% of its original size 2011-03-31
stephon pose la question :
A rectangle has a length of 4cm and a width of 8cm.

If this rectangle is reduced to 90% of its original size what will be the new length

Penny Nom lui répond.
[(90+36-4) ÷ 2] x 15 = 2011-03-30
ken pose la question :
[(90+36-4) ÷ 2] x 15 =
Penny Nom lui répond.
A transversal 2011-03-30
Jillian pose la question :
I don't understand finding angels in a transversal
Penny Nom lui répond.
sin x = -0.25 2011-03-29
Wayne pose la question :
How do you solve for x in the equation sin x = -0.25

the answer is 3.394 and 6.030 but I don't know the steps they used to calculate this

Penny Nom lui répond.
A circle in a square in a circle in a square 2011-03-29
George pose la question :
A circle within a square which is inside a larger circle which is also within a square. (a circle in a square inside a circle in a square) Equation of the smaller circle is: x ^ 2 x y ^ 2 = 25. What are the dimensions of the larger square? Been 40 years, trying to help my son.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Two boats 2011-03-29
Mamie pose la question :
Two speed boats leave the port of San Francisco traveling in opposite directions at the same time.One boat travels 8 knots per hour faster than the other.After one day's travel they are 1,920 nautical miles apart.What are the speeds of the two boats.
Penny Nom lui répond.
I need to make $1000 profit 2011-03-28
Kat pose la question :
I need to make $1000 profit selling plants for $3 each. My direct cost is $2 per plant and my overhead is $5oo. How many pots (plants = 1 per pot) do I need to make $1000?
Penny Nom lui répond.
New Brunswick hst 2011-03-25
andy pose la question :
what is the short formula to get the hst 13% out of the total price of an item
Penny Nom lui répond.
A geometry problem 2011-03-25
eujane pose la question :
in triangle ABC in which AB=12,BC=18,&Ac=25, a semicircle is drawn so that its diameter lies on AC and so that it is tangent to AB and BC.if O is the center of the circle, find the measure of OA.9
Chris Fisher lui répond.
Linear inequalities 2011-03-25
Alice pose la question :
OK. I'm in algebra 1 and the linear inequality is
I don't completely know how to graph y>2 and I'm getting really frustrated
Please help me in any way possible!
Thank You!

Penny Nom lui répond.
A stone is dropped into a lake 2011-03-24
AnneMarie pose la question :
A stone is dropped into a lake, creating a circular ripple that travels outward at a speed of 25 cm/s. Find the rate at which the area within the circle is increasing after 4s.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Write 3 1/5 in decimal form 2011-03-24
Stephenie pose la question :
converting fractions????

3 1/5 into decimal???

Penny Nom lui répond.
The number of points on a line is equivalent to that of a surface 2011-03-24
Gary pose la question :
I I was reading about how the number of points on a line is equivalent to that of a surface. This was done by taking any point on a line then taking alternating digits and making them as points on an x and y axis therefore points on a surface.The problem is as i see it if you just take a line then hold it over a surface you have just put the points on the line in a one to one correspondence with the points directly under it on the surface.Now you have all the rest of the surface which cannot be mapped onto the line since it is already used up.What am i missing?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A true or false trig question 2011-03-24
Abeth pose la question :
True or False: Since cot (theta) = cos (theta)/sin (theta), if cot (theta) = 1/2, then cos (theta) =1 and sin (theta)=2. My answer before was true, but not my answer is false. Can you give me a solution on this matter. thanks.
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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