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If 25 items are evenly spread over 7 days 2011-03-23
michael pose la question :
What is the formula to calculate:
If 25 items are evenly spread over 7 days, but one day has 3 items less than the other days, what is the number if items for each of the remaining 6 days?

Penny Nom lui répond.
What is x to the power of 0? 2011-03-23
Jason pose la question :
What is x to the power of 0?
Robert Dawson lui répond.
What does 163,100,000 look written in words? 2011-03-22
Alicia pose la question :
What does 163,100,000 look written in words?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Find his income on the fourth week of August. 2011-03-22
Abeth pose la question :
The average weekly income of MJ for the first three weeks of August was 3,600 and his average weekly income for four weeks is 3950. Find his income on the fourth week of August.
Penny Nom lui répond.
A 15% increase 2011-03-22
Abeth pose la question :
Bobby dela Cruz is the purchasing agent for school supplies of a certain university. Because of new research projects, Bobby ordered an additional 32,500 worth of supplies this month. This is a 15% increase from last month. What was the value of the school supplies that Bobby ordered last month?
Robert Dawson lui répond.
Tony and his friends 2011-03-21
Mieke pose la question :
Using the following statements and the information given, how much money did each friend have.
Mike says, "I have $41.00 more than Tony."
Jessica says, "I have 6 times as much as Tony plus $2.00."
Ashley says, "I have 13 times the amount Tony has."
Sara says, "I have the 8 times the amount Tony has."
The total together they had was $304.00

Penny Nom lui répond.
8 3/8 - 6 1/4 2011-03-21
lenora pose la question :
explain an error pattern in each of the following. 8 3/8 - 6 1/4 = 2 2/4
Penny Nom lui répond.
Ordering fractions 2011-03-20
Yasmine pose la question :
what's the answer, greatest to least

3/8 1/4 2/3

Penny Nom lui répond.
A verbal problem 2011-03-20
tom pose la question :
mrs. jhonson planned to spend $78 for fabric to make draperies. She found her fabric on sale at 20% less per yard than she expected and was able to buy her drapery fabric plus 4 extra yards for bedspread for $83.20. how much fabric had she planned to buy and what was the original cost per yard?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
pi + pi 2011-03-20
Sarah pose la question :
what is pi + pi?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Sample Standard deviation 2011-03-16
Iris pose la question :
Help please: me on this type of math problem I can get through step one after that I get lost. Maybe you can explain it to me in a easier way to get the correct results. I have read the examples, but I am still lost cannot move on until the next practice until I get this one

Sample standard deviation
The following are distances (in miles) traveled to the workplace by employees of a certain computer company.

15,29,32 28 18 28
Find the standard deviation of this sample of distances. Round your answer to at least two decimal places.

Penny Nom lui répond.
(3x+4y)^2 - (2x-y)^2 2011-03-16
Taiwo pose la question :
pls could some one help me with this question? thanks as lot

(3x+4y)^2 - (2x-y)^2

Penny Nom lui répond.
6(M-1/9)=55/12 2011-03-15
Colleen pose la question :
Penny Nom lui répond.
How much per ft. does it cost? 2011-03-14
Linda pose la question :
350 lbs. of coil at $1.80 per lb equals $630. each coil is 780 ft. how much per ft. does it cost?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The markup rate is 40% of the cost 2011-03-14
Abeth pose la question :
A wallet sells for 450 pesos. the markup rate is 40% of the cost. find the cost of the wallet and markup.
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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