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Real-life applications of trigonometry 2011-04-10
Angela pose la question :
I am a teacher and I desire to show the students the real-life application of trigonometry. Of course, one application is to use a clinometer and find the heights of various things. However, I am trying to provide a real-life scenario which also answers the question "why" the height of the object needs to be found. Not being an engineer, I do not know the specifics examples, but I want my information to be accurate and my example to to be as real-life as possible. I mean, I can say that someone wants to know the height of a flagpole; however, I also want to answer the question "why" they want to know this. I would like to give an actual real-life scenario. Do you know of some? Thanks!
Penny Nom lui répond.
8 golfers playing 2 groups of 4 each day for 5 days 2011-04-08
Chris pose la question :
8 golfers playing 2 groups of 4 each day for 5 days. Trying to work out how they can organise playing at least once, and no more than twice, with everyone over the 5 days. We always come up with someone playing 3 times with another in one of the 4's!
Hope you can help!

Victoria West lui répond.
The degree measure of an arc in a circle 2011-04-08
Deb pose la question :
How do I find the degree measure of an arc in a circle with the Length of 14 and the radius of 70?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The development of the Pythagorean theorem 2011-04-08
Ataa pose la question :
I am doing a assignment on Pythagorean Theorem and i am stuck on the sub-question development of the Pythagorean theorem and i really need help can u give me accurate info for this because i am not finding anything!!!thanks in advance.
Yours truly

Chris Fisher lui répond.
The volume of a flower pot 2011-04-07
kp pose la question :
I have 2 flower pots with the following dimensions that I am trying to calculate the volume of Soil I will need to fill them. pot #1 29"tall, top of pot 31.5 inches across( radius of 15.5") the bottom of the pot is 21"across (radius 10.5) Pot #2 29"tall, top of pot 26 across (radius 13") the bottom of the pot 17'"a cross (radius 8.5")
thank you

Penny Nom lui répond.
Eliminate y 2011-04-07
Lynn pose la question :
2x + y = 8
y + 3z =5
z + 2w =1
5w + 3x = 9

Form three equations with y eliminated

Penny Nom lui répond.
A conical container and a spherical balloon 2011-04-06
Steven pose la question :
Water is running out of a conical container 12 feet in diameter and 8 feet deep (vertex down) and filling a spherical balloon. At the instant the depth of the water in the cone is 4 feet, the radius of the sphere is approximately 4 feet.

The rate of change of the depth of the water in the cone at the instant is approximately ______________ times the rate of change of the radius of the balloon.

Penny Nom lui répond.
Administration costs and profit 2011-04-05
brian pose la question :
Hi , If I have direct job costs of $100. and my administration is 20 % and I want to make a 15 % profit , how would I calculate the administration and profit and what would be the total of each be and also the final total?


Penny Nom lui répond.
Two ships 2011-04-05
Gevork pose la question :
Ship A is sailing due south at 16 mph. At the same time, a second ship B, 32 miles south of A, is sailing due east at 12 mph.
(a) at what rate are they approaching or separating at the end of one hour?
(b) At what rate are they approaching or separating at the end of two hours?
(c) When do they cease to approach each other and how far apart are they at that instant.

Penny Nom lui répond.
The rate of change of the area of a parallelogram 2011-04-05
Gevork pose la question :
Let a parallelogram have sides of 8 and 12 and let vertex angle A be decreasing at a rate of 2degrees per minute. Find the rate of change of the area of the parallelogram when angle A equals 30 degrees.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Converting millimeters to centimeters 2011-04-04
Pat pose la question :
I need to convert 67 mm to centimeters how do I do this?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The perimeter of a rectangle 2011-04-04
aspen pose la question :
the perimeter of a rectangle is twice the sum of its length and its width. the perimeter is 40 meters and its length is 2 meters more then twice its width. what is the length?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Tennis schedule 2011-04-04
Toni pose la question :
I need to create a doubles tennis schedule for 6 players playing over a 32 week schedule where no player repeats with a partner.
Victoria West lui répond.
Volume of concrete 2011-04-03
john pose la question :
I have 1200 square foot that i need to fill at 4 inches deep. how many cubic yards of concrete will i need? and how do I figure this?
Penny Nom lui répond.
3% commission 2011-04-01
bertha pose la question :
A real estate broker’s base annual salary is $18,000. She earns 3% commission on total sales. How much must she sell in real estate value during the year to earn $65,000? Set up an equation and solve. Show all work to receive full credit. Round final answer to the nearest dollar.
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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