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Cone story problem 2011-04-16
Chelsea pose la question :
There is a cone with a story problem that states only that the radius is the same as the altitude and that the slant height of the cone is 6cm. I have no idea how to figure this problem out.
Penny Nom lui répond.
The equation of a sphere 2011-04-16
kanika pose la question :
equation of sphere and how to know its center
Penny Nom lui répond.
Dividing a polygon into triangles 2011-04-16
Foxie pose la question :
You have a given regular polygon with n vertices and you divide it into triangles(using the vertices of the polygon) which each share at least one side with the polygon. How many distinct ways can you divide the polygon if its vertices are numbered? For n=3 it's 1 way, for n=4 it's 2 ways for n=5 5 ways, I'm not quite sure but think that for n=6 it's 12 ways... thanks in advance!
Claude Tardif lui répond.
The volume of a triangular pyramid 2011-04-15
Chelsea pose la question :
There is a triangular pyramid which is an equilateral on the base with all sides 16.5 and the height is 25. I have to find the volume. Please help!
Penny Nom lui répond.
A concrete walk around a pool 2011-04-15
Skipper pose la question :
I want to know the answer if you were to want a pool to be 20 ft by 30 ft and wanted a 5 ft border around it what would be the dimension of the whole area plus concrete walk
Penny Nom lui répond.
Arrangements of ten letters 2011-04-15
Mustafa pose la question :
In how many ways can the ten letters of the word GELATINOUS be arranged in a line so that the vowels are in alphabetical order (not necessarily together) when read from left to right?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A golf league of 60 golfers 2011-04-14
Keith pose la question :
I have a golf league of 60 golfers and I want to have each golfer play in a different group of 4 each week for 24 weeks. How can I do this
Victoria West lui répond.
Coefficient of variation 2011-04-14
Braden pose la question :
When determining coefficient of variation (CV) or %CV is it possible to calculate %CV for two variables? For instance can %CV be used to determine the precision of 5 data points on a graph using the X and Y coordinates? or does %CV need to be determined for each variable separately?
Robert Dawson lui répond.
The volume of a hopper 2011-04-13
michael pose la question :
I have a tank that is 72" x 72" at the top and 10" x 10" at the bottom and is 31" tall. I need to calculate the cubic feet of the tank
Penny Nom lui répond.
Decreasing numbers 2011-04-13
Hadi pose la question :
A number is called a "decreasing number" if each digit in the number is less than the digit to its left. For example, 87420 is a deceasing number. How many five-digit decreasing numbers are there?
Claude Tardif lui répond.
-1 = -sin^2x - cos^2x 2011-04-11
veronica pose la question :
I need the solutions for -1 = -sin^2x - cos^2x
Penny Nom lui répond.
How far is it from the control tower? 2011-04-11
Varun pose la question :
An aircraft is vertically above a point which is 10 kms west and 5 kms north of a control tower. if the aircraft is 4000 mts above the ground,how far is it from the control tower?
Penny Nom lui répond.
2 cubic foot bags of mulch 2011-04-11
Ron pose la question :
if I buy 2 cubic foot bags of mulch, how bags would I need to equal 1 yard? (13 bags?)
Penny Nom lui répond.
PEDMAS 2011-04-10
Ross pose la question :
48 ÷ 2 (9+3)

Is the answer 2 or 288?

Harley Weston lui répond.
x/6 + 4/5 = x/9 2011-04-10
Khadija pose la question :
x/6 + 4/5 = x/9
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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