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Les calcules avec les heures 2011-09-09
johanna pose la question :
bonjour je voudrais pouvoir expliquer a mon fils ces calcules avec les heures, mais franchement je n'y comprend rien, pouvez vous m'aider.
voilà le premier calcul:
1h35min29s - 46min37s

deuxiéme exercice:
calculer la durée d'une emission télévisé qui débute à 20h40min et se termine à 22h17min.
troisiéme exercie:
je suis partie en vacances le 25 juillet. Mes vacances ont durées 2 semaines. Quel jours suis-je revenu?
quatroéme exercice:
je pars de st-pierre, je prend le bus. je veut arrivé à st-denis à 10h et demi. je sais que la durée du trajet st-pierre /st-denis est de 1h50min. a quel heure dois-je partir de st-pierre.

Claude Tardif lui répond.
Decartes' circle theorem 2011-09-07
Joseph pose la question :
Given 3 circles of diameters 50, 55, and 60 units, Place them externally tangent. What is the diameter of the outer circumscribing circle, tangent to all 3 circles? I can attach a pdf if this description is not clear. Not urgent, this has nothing to do with current assignments, just wondering if I have developed the best methods?
Chris Fisher lui répond.
Composition of functions 2011-09-05
Jenna pose la question :
Let f(x)=x^2-1 and g(x)=1-2x. Find the indicated values.
1. f(g(1)) and g(f(1))


Penny Nom lui répond.
The derivative of f(x) = (x+1)^1/2 2011-09-05
Carla pose la question :
Find the derivative using the limit process of
f(x) = (x+1)^1/2

Harley Weston lui répond.
A tangent to the earth 2011-09-03
Vickram pose la question :
I have a math problem regarding tangent and circle. My example is as follows: if a long flat ruler measuring 1500 miles is placed on top of earth which has a radius of 3960 miles what part (length) of the tangential ruler will actually be touching the earth and what two parts will not?
Chris Fisher lui répond.
Geometry Related Careers 2011-09-01
Richard pose la question :
Good morning,

I am hoping to find a list of careers that would relate to geometric constructions and tessellations.

I have searched the internet some and some of the sites I have found are a bit questionable or dated. Are there sites that Math Central would recommend?

I could not find anything when I did a search on the site.

Thanks in advance,


Walter Whiteley lui répond.
4 x 2 2011-08-30
Lucjan pose la question :
how to sketch a diagram that shows 4x2 expression?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Exponential form? 2011-08-30
Emily pose la question :
I have a 6th grader that needs to find out what is the exponential form of 461,885,811
Penny Nom lui répond.
A pattern for a cone 2011-08-30
Izzy pose la question :
I need to create a cone as a prop and my math is not good enough to create the pattern. Here are my instructions :
The diameter is 2'5" and it has to be 4 feet tall. It is a giant cone. I want it to be pointy at the end, not truncated.

Penny Nom lui répond.
A coin toss game 2011-08-29
Aniish pose la question :
A and B alternately toss a coin.The first one to turn up a head wins.If no more than 5 tosses each are allowed for a single game,find the probability that the person who tosses first will win the game?What are the odd's against A losing if she goes first?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A border around a flower garden 2011-08-28
jessica pose la question :
A Landscaper, who just completed a rectangular flower garden measuring 6 feet by 10 feet, orders 1 cubic yard of premixed cement, all of which is to be used to create a border of uniform width around the garden. if the border is to have a depth of 3 inches, how wide will the border be? ( 1 cubic yard=27 cubic feet)
Penny Nom lui répond.
The dimension of the box in centimetres 2011-08-27
Eliza pose la question :
Find the dimension of the box in centimetres. Then find its volume in cubic centimeters. The box is 0.7m (l) 0.4 (h) 0.2 (w)
Penny Nom lui répond.
An anti-freeze solution 2011-08-27
aniish pose la question :
The radiator of a jeep has a capacity of 4 gallons. It is filled with an anti-freeze solution of water and glycol which analyzes 10% glycol.what volume of the mixture must be drawn off and replaced with glycol to obtain a 25% glycol solution? all percentages are by volume
Penny Nom lui répond.
58 choose 4 2011-08-26
Jean pose la question :
Using only the numbers 1-59, how many times would the number 23 appear in combinations of 5 numbers?
... Can a list be provided as well?
Thank you very much,

Penny Nom lui répond.
25 billion dollars 2011-08-26
Bill pose la question :
If you have $25billion dollars, what would the value of this amount become if you inflated it at 4% per year for 55 years?=C2=A0 My TVM calculator will not go this high.
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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