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Eight percent 2011-09-22
Michelle pose la question :
Hello. I need help with a math problem please. I have not done this in so long.
This is a 40% margin

Penny Nom lui répond.
The sides of a regular octagon of area 800 sq. ft. 2011-09-21
Susan pose la question :
Help please. I am building an octagon tree house to live in. I would like the total square footage to equal 800 to 1,000 sq ft. How long should each side of the octagon be.
tx, susan

Penny Nom lui répond.
Place value 2011-09-20
Ivana pose la question :
the digit in the ones place is a hand with out a thumb(4) 2) the digit in the thousands place is 2 less than the digit in the one's place. (4-2= 3) the digit in the ten's place is the sum of 2 and 6 (2+6= 4) the digit in the hundreds place is what you get when you get when you subtract 5 from the digit in the ten's place (ten's-5= what is the number?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The volume of a hexagonal prism 2011-09-19
Denise pose la question :
I am being asked to find the volume of a hexagonal prism, base edges are 3cm, and a height of 15cm. The book that I am working from says that the answer is 77.94cm(cubed) but no matter what the equation I use I always get the answer 116.9/117. Please help! Thank you!
Penny Nom lui répond.
Depth of a property 2011-09-18
lizlurie pose la question :
i am looking at purchasing a five acre plot but we can make the dimensions in any direction we want. if the width of the property is 309.55 and we went straight back from that 5 acres what would be the depth in feet of the property????? thanks so much!!!
Penny Nom lui répond.
5 crayons 2011-09-17
John pose la question :
How many four color combinations are possible with 5 crayons
Penny Nom lui répond.
A number less than 100 2011-09-17
Sharon pose la question :
I am a number less than 100. My ones digit is 6 the sum of my digit is 11. What sum am I?
p lui répond.
A rectangle of largest possible area 2011-09-16
mary pose la question :
Steven has 100 feet of fencing and wants to build a fence in a shape of a rectangle to enclose the largest possible area what should be the dimensions of the rectangle
Penny Nom lui répond.
One factor array 2011-09-16
Hana pose la question :
hi my brother a 5th grade have a question. this is what it say "i have only one factor array, and i am between two numbers 12 and 16. what number am i?"
Penny Nom lui répond.
A four digit number 2011-09-16
gina pose la question :
i am having a hard time figuring this out.. i believe the answer is 3105 but the 0 is throwing me off... i am a 4 digit number between 3100 and 3200, none of my digits are even, the sum of my digits is 9, the largest digit is in the ones place, what number am i ??
Penny Nom lui répond.
A rectangular wall 2011-09-12
Jimi pose la question :
The area of a rectangular wall of a barn is 110 square feet. It's length is 12 feet longer than twice its width. Find the length and width of the wall of the barn.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Blocks in a wall 2011-09-12
JOHN pose la question :
Harley Weston lui répond.
A beginning algebra question 2011-09-10
Tobby pose la question :
A=1/2 solve for h.area of a rectangle with b and h
Penny Nom lui répond.
The height of a building 2011-09-09
Sally pose la question :
A building's angle of elevation from a point on the ground 60 ft. from its base is 32 degrees. What is the height of the building?
Penny Nom lui répond.
- 16 x 6 / -2 2011-09-09
Nadiyah pose la question :
i dont understand how to answer this question ;
- 16 x 6 / -2
i still dont understand it with bedmas
/ = divison
please help!

Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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