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What is the speed of the boat in still water? 2011-10-07
Hannah pose la question :
The speed of a stream is 3 mph. A boat travels 10 miles upstream in the same time it takes to travel 16 miles downstream. What is the speed of the boat in still water
Penny Nom lui répond.
Three consecutive odd integers 2011-10-07
Muneera pose la question :
Find 3 consecutive odd integers so that 3 times their sum is 5 more than 8 times the middle one?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Linear equations 2011-10-06
Hannah pose la question :
I am confused about a question on my homework, here is an example on what I need to do:

You own a sightseeing boat tour. Kids' admission costs $5, adults' admission costs $8. During that day you get (made-up number) $521 with 71 admissions. How many of each passenger boarded?

I tried something like
5x + 8y = 521
x + y = 71

But, I still don't understand how to solve it! Help?

Penny Nom lui répond.
Two great circles 2011-10-06
Jean pose la question :
"Two great circles lying in planes that are perpendicular to each other are drawn on a wooden sphere of radius "a". Part of the sphere is then shaved off in such a way that each cross section of the remaining solid that is perpendicular to the common diameter of the two great circles is a square whose vertices lie on these circles. Find the volume of this solid."

I don't understand the geometry of the problem. Can you please explain the problem and if possible draw a diagram for me ?

Chris Fisher lui répond.
Maximum area of a rectangle 2011-10-04
Lyndsay pose la question :
A rectangle is to be constructed having the greatest possible area and a perimeter of 50 cm.

(a) If one of the sides of the rectangle measures 'x' cm, find a formula for calculating the area of the rectangle as a function of 'x'.

(b) Determine the dimensions of the rectangle for which it has the greatest area possible. What is the maximum area?

Penny Nom lui répond.
Chuong and Hassan drive to work 2011-10-04
Dilshad pose la question :
Chuong and Hassan both drive 40 km from home to work each day. One day Chuong said to Hasssan, "If you drive home at your usual speed, I will average 40 kmph faster than you and arrive home in 20 minutes less time." Find Hassan's speed.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Six golphers for 27 weeks 2011-10-04
ken pose la question :
I have 6 golfers alternating playing in a group of 4 each week for 27 weeks. How can I create a schedule so that each golfer both plays equally and plays against the other golfers an equal amount of time
Victoria West lui répond.
A reservoir has the shape of an inverted cone 2011-10-03
Roger pose la question :
a reservoir has the shape of an inverted cone whose cross section is an equilateral triangle. if water is being pumped out of the reservoir at a rate of 2m^3/sec, at what rate is the depth of the water changing when the depth is 40 meters?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A trapezoid inscribed in a circle 2011-10-02
Greg pose la question :
A trapezoid is inscribed within a circle. The two interior angles who share the longest side are 70 and 80. The arc whose chord is the longest side has a length of 120. Find the other two interior angles of the trapezoid, and the other three arc lengths.
Chris Fisher lui répond.
Drawing three coins from 10 coins 2011-09-29
Michelle pose la question :
Three coins are chosen at random from a purse containing 6 dimes & 4 quarters. What is the probability that the selection will contain at least one quarter?
Penny Nom lui répond.
3-digit, daily numbers 2011-09-29
Margaret pose la question :
I need the list/group for a raffle that would contain the combinations for a 3 digit (000-999) daily number. There would be 100 tickets sold with 10 3-digit numbers from each numerical group beginning from 000's, 100's 200's, 300's,...900's. No duplicates/replacement. What would be the list of possible combinations of each group of 100 tickets, keeping each different group/list of combinations in separate blocks of 100 tickets without duplication. So I could use 1 list of 100 this year and the next list of combos next year and so forth. Please help!

Example: 000,197,245,367,445,569,618,777,842,964

What would be the possible lists of each 100 tickets? Thank you

Penny Nom lui répond.
Three men sharing a task 2011-09-27
Olaniyan pose la question :
Three men do a piece of work, the first does 7/15, the second does 5/6 of the remainder while the third does the rest.if the rest done by the third person equals 24 units, find the whole piece of work?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A hemispherical bowl with a lead ball inside 2011-09-27
Jean pose la question :
"(a) Water is being poured into a hemispherical bowl of radius 3 inch at the rate of 1 inch^3/s. How fast is the water level rising when the water is 1 inch deep ?

(b) In (a), suppose that the bowl contains a lead ball 2 inch in diameter, and find how fast the water level is rising when the ball is half submerged."

Penny Nom lui répond.
90 cm of pipe 2011-09-26
margie pose la question :
A 90cm pipe is cut into two pieces so that one pieces is 6cm shorter than the other. how long was each piece?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A tank is 3/8 full 2011-09-24
Olaniyan pose la question :
When 150 liters has been drawn from a tank, it is 3/8 full; how many liters will the tank hold?
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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