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The end of a trough 2011-10-21
Lorraine pose la question :
The vertical end of a trough has the following dimensions: width at top 4.4 ft., width at bottom 3.2 ft., depth 3.5 ft. Find the area at the end of the trough.
Penny Nom lui répond.
37 miles in 3 seconds 2011-10-20
Joyce pose la question :
Jake can travel 37 miles in 3 seconds,please calculate jake's rate of speed.(round to 2 decimal places)
Penny Nom lui répond.
Implicit differentiation 2011-10-20
Monica pose la question :
Find dy/dx in terms of x and y, if sin(xy)=(x^2)-y.
Penny Nom lui répond.
sin A/1+cos A + 1+cos A/sin A = 2cosec A 2011-10-20
Neeraj pose la question :
sin A/1+cos A + 1+cos A/sin A = 2cosec A
Penny Nom lui répond.
The end of a swimming pool 2011-10-17
Jim pose la question :
"The end of a swimming pool is a rectangle inclined 45° to the horizontal. The edge at the surface is 12 feet long and the submerged edge is 10 feet long.

Could you draw a diagram for me ? I don't understand the Problem.

Penny Nom lui répond.
The area of a circle 2011-10-17
Winney pose la question :
If the diameter of a semicircle is 3 feet what is the area.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Ratios 2011-10-17
Kenneth pose la question :
Can you think of a ratio that has units that have not canceled out? Do not use a rate as an example, for example miles per hour.

Would the following make sense? What is the book to student ratio in a classroom with 20 students and 15 books? Student to book ratio of 20 students to 15 books or (4 students):(3 books).

Penny Nom lui répond.
One central circle and three tangent circles 2011-10-16
Margaret pose la question :
You have one central circle and three or more circles tangent to the outside of the circle of varying radii. You know the x,y coordinates of the centers of the other circles. If you now remove that central circle (and pretend you never knew where it was), can you calculate its center in x,y coordinates?
Chris Fisher lui répond.
Expanding the size of a table 2011-10-16
Ericka pose la question :
You are working as a carpenter in an industrial Shop. A customer came to you and inquired about the size of the table which would be fitted in her room. She informed you that she had already a 1.5 x 1m table in her room but she wanted to maximize the space by adding the same amount to is length and width. She is planning to occupy a 3 square meter place on her room for her to work comfortably. She is requesting you a written recommendation before she asked to make a table. What amount should be added to both sides to maximize a 3 square meter area?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A pyramid and Pythagoras 2011-10-15
ele pose la question :
On square based pyramid, the lengths of the sides of the base are all 2m. The height from the top of the pyramid to the middle of the base is 0.5m. What are the lengths of the sides of the triangular pieces and the contained angle?
Penny Nom lui répond.
How much work is done? 2011-10-15
Jean pose la question :
"A conical buoy that weighs B pounds floats upright in water with its vertex "a" feet below the surface. A crane on a dock lifts the buoy until its vertex just clears the surface. How much work is done ?"
Penny Nom lui répond.
A 6% commission 2011-10-15
Tamara pose la question :
if you earned a gross wage of $810, which includes a salary of $90 and a 6% commission how much is the net sales?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Expanded form 2011-10-12
Chris pose la question :
Write this number in expanded form
4 326 180 501


Penny Nom lui répond.
Twice an even number 2011-10-10
Ron pose la question :
The number of dollars that Tracy has in her pocket is an odd number. Hal gave Tracy $2 more than she already had in her pocket. The number of dollars Tracy now has cannot be _________.
a) $60 b) $62 c) $64 d) 68

Penny Nom lui répond.
Building a custom range hood 2011-10-08
Bill pose la question :
I'm building a custom range hood for a customer with special order material that matches their newly installed cabinets and I need it to be perfect. The hood is basically a pyramid but the 4th side is the flat wall at the back and a flat, rectangular top. I need to calculate the bevel and miter of the three sides but I never was very good with geometry functions (although I am fairly good with other math fields). I either need the calculations from you at least (shudder) a formula or set of formulas so that I can calculate them myself.
Harley Weston lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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