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The area of a triangular garden 2011-10-31
tasha pose la question :
a garden has sides of 6m,8m and 10m find the area
Chris Fisher lui répond.
A scale drawing 2011-10-30
aretha pose la question :
i have a scale drawing of a house floor plan, don't understand how to find the answer. the drawing is 1in: 3ft. need to find the length / width/and the actual length/width of the living room,kitchen, 3bedrooms deck,sitting room, entry, and closet
Penny Nom lui répond.
Three consecutive terms of an arithmetic sequence 2011-10-30
Juliette pose la question :
Find X when x, 1/2x + 7, 3x -1 are consecutive terms of an arithmetic sequence.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Modular arithmetic 2011-10-30
Kim pose la question :
I am editing a resource for students, and I think some of the answers may be incorrect. The text I was given and my questions are in the attachment. Any help you could give would be appreciated.


Harley Weston lui répond.
The LCM of 6,15 and x is 90 2011-10-30
Richie pose la question :
Hi there,
There are 2 parts to the question.
#1. Factorise 90. This is easy, 90=2x3x3x5

LCM of 6,15 and x is 90. What are possible values of x if x is odd?

From #1, since 90=6x15, how can this be used to work out possible values of x?

Thanks in advance, Richie

Penny Nom lui répond.
The average speed for the whole journey 2011-10-30
Shahzad pose la question :
a train travels 68 Km at an average speed of 51Km/h. It then travels another 20Km at an average speed of 40Km/h before reaching its destination. Calculate the average speed for the whole journey?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Factor 2011-10-30
Dawn pose la question :
x^2 -6x+9-4y
Penny Nom lui répond.
A vector geometry problem 2011-10-28
aishwarya pose la question :
hi...my name is Aishwaarya and i am a student from India..

My problem is in vector geometry which i am sending u my an attachment including a diagram..

Thanks Aishwarya

Chris Fisher lui répond.
A mythical soccer ball 2011-10-27
Joel pose la question :
We've been working on this problem diligently and can't seem to come up with the answer book's answer. We think it may be wrong, yet want to check it with an expert. Here goes. The school's new soccer balls are covered with 64 regular hexagonal panels. Each hexagon measures 2 inches between opposite corners and 1.5 inches between opposite sides. What is the total surface area of the soccer ball?
Robert Dawson and Lorraine Dame lui répond.
The square root of z=3+4i 2011-10-27
dianah pose la question :
how to find the square roots of complex number, z=3+4i
Robert Dawson lui répond.
Problem solving 2011-10-27
keelan pose la question :
a number is divided by 5. then 3 is added to the quotient. after subtracting 10, the results is 30.what is the number.t
Penny Nom lui répond.
3 fish 2011-10-27
Ann pose la question :
You have 3 fish weighing a total of 21 lbs. The largest fish weighs twice as much as the second fish and the third fish weighs half the amount of the second fish. So how much does the third fish weigh?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A spherical ball in a conical wine glass 2011-10-26
Jules pose la question :
A heavy spherical ball is lowered carefully into a full conical wine glass whose depth is h and whose generating angle (between the axis and a generator) is w. Show that the greatest overflow occurs when the radius of the ball is (h*sin(w))/(sin(w)+cos(2w)).
Claude Tardif lui répond.
1 divided by 0 and infinity 2011-10-24
ritika pose la question :
we say that one divided by zero gives us infinity, then why zero multiplied by infinity does not gives us one?????????????
Robert Dawson lui répond.
The number of People who Know Each Other 2011-10-21
Ted pose la question :
I'm trying to prove that at a party where there are at least two people, there are two people who know the same number of other people there.
Robert Dawson and Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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