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Factoring 2012-04-26
Amanda pose la question :
Penny Nom lui répond.
A circle inscribed in a triangle inscribed in a circle 2012-04-26
Maty pose la question :
How do i find the area of a triangle inscribed a circle while another smaller circle is circumscribed by the same triangle and the radius is 8.
Chris Fisher lui répond.
The exponential form of log8=P 2012-04-25
Kristina pose la question :
what is the exponential form of log8=P
Penny Nom lui répond.
The circumcentre and orthocentre of a triangle 2012-04-25
Nazrul pose la question :
The circumcentre and orthocentre of a triangle is given. A point on a side of the triangle given. A vertex of the triangle on the circumcircle is also given. How can I draw the triangle? Please Help me. Thank you for answering my previous questions.
Chris Fisher lui répond.
How to find the base length of a isosceles triangle if only the sides are given? 2012-04-25
aqilah pose la question :
how to find the base length of a isosceles triangle if only the sides are given?
Chris Fisher lui répond.
A puzzle with a triangle and 57 2012-04-25
sharon pose la question :

Question from sharon, a parent:

We have been battling with this for days and cant find any solution -

Using each of the following numbers once, fill all the spaces in the triangles so that each side of the triangle adds up to 57

numbers are 11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19

diagram is -

    0   0    
  0   57   0  
0   0   0   0


Any ideas ? this has to be in in just over 24 hrs ......help!

Chris Fisher lui répond.
A sloped yard 2012-04-24
William pose la question :
Trying to calculate fill dirt for leveling a sloped yard to place a slab. Slab is 30'x40', yard slopes from corner #1 south 40' to Corner #4 drop is 11". From corner #1 east 30' to corner #2, drop is 11 1/4". From corner #1 southeast at a 45 degrees, 50' to corner #3, drop is 19 3/4". Corners numbered in a clockwise direction.
Penny Nom lui répond.
The circumcentre, centroid and orthocentre of a triangle 2012-04-24
Nazrul pose la question :
The circumcentre, centroid and orthocentre of a triangle is given. The distance between circumcentre and orthocentre is also given. How can I draw the circle? Please Help me.
Chris Fisher lui répond.
A parabolic bridge 2012-04-24
Adiba pose la question :
A bridge constructed over a bayou has a supporting arch in the shape of a parabola .Find the equation of the parabolic arch if the length of the road over the arch is 100 meters and the maximum height of the arch is 40 meters. I did the problem but not sure is it correct . I did like this f(0)=0we get c=40 if we took quadratic equation in x for a down ward parabola then how to find b and a please show me the answer of either a or b .Or I should use the standard form of parabola y=a(x-h)^2+k then how to find a,h,k please help me
Penny Nom lui répond.
2x^2+5x+2 2012-04-23
eddie pose la question :
Penny Nom lui répond.
A common chord to two circles 2012-04-22
Nicole pose la question :
What is a common chord between two circles and how is it found in the problem: Two circles intersect and have a common chord, the radii of the circles are 13 and 15, the distance between the circle's centers is 14, find the common chord.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Gray siding and stone chimneys 2012-04-22
lupita pose la question :
Fifty houses are on the north side of a river. The 2nd house has gray siding, and every 5th house after that also has gray siding. The 11th house has a stone chimney; every 3rd house after that also has a stone chimney. How many of the 50 houses have stone chimneys but do not have gray siding?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The sarsen circle 2012-04-21
Firdous pose la question :
I found the circumference but after what to do I am not getting the question is.The diameter of the sarsen circle is 33 meters,since there were originally 30 sarsen stones located on the circumference, how far apart wold the centres of the stones have been?Round to the nearest tenth of a meter.
Penny Nom lui répond.
The area of a quadrilateral 2012-04-21
Rajat pose la question :
calculate the area ABCD in which AB is 48'1'',BC is 98'4'',CD is 61'4'',DA is 102'10'',AC is 110'3'',BD is 116'9''.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Golf for 12 2012-04-20
glenn pose la question :
need to schedule 12 players for a 20 week season
Victoria West lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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