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Golf for 12 2012-04-20
Bram pose la question :
We are heading on a golf trip with 12 guys, playing 6 rounds. Can you please provide the formula whcih which have the least duplication.
Thanks in advance,

Victoria West lui répond.
Liters and gallons 2012-04-20
ann pose la question :
the fuel tank of jacks car hold 72 litres when full jack uses half a tank of fuel he travels240 miles how many miles does he cover for each gallon of fuel
Penny Nom lui répond.
16 golfers 2012-04-20
steve pose la question :
i have 16 golfers, 4 in "A" flight , 4 in "B" flight , 4 in "C" and 4 in "D"

We are playing 4 rounds (4 teams of 4) and every group must have a player from the A B C an D flight, and in no round may 2 people have already played together!

Victoria West lui répond.
The inverse of y = x^2 - 2x 2012-04-20
Shona pose la question :
How do I Find the inverse of the function y= x^2 - 2x ?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Ratios 2012-04-20
olawale pose la question :
if 3 boys share y mangoes among themselves in the ratio x : 2x : 3x. if the largest share was 30, find the value of y.
Paul Betts lui répond.
What was the class average? 2012-04-20
olwale pose la question :
a class which consist of 15 boys and 10 girls sit for a test. the average score of the boys is 20 and the girls' is 25. find the average score of the class.
Penny Nom lui répond.
5 machine make 5 gadgets in 5 minutes 2012-04-20
Charles pose la question :
5 machine make 5 gadgets in 5 minutes,
so how long does it take for 100 machines make 100 gadgets?

Penny Nom lui répond.
Percentage change 2012-04-19
Christine pose la question :
For my intermediate macroeconomics class, there is a question about percent change. The numbers are:
Quantities of oranges in 2010: 104
Quantities of oranges in 2009: 100
How would I calculate to find the percentage change in quantities?

Penny Nom lui répond.
Golf for 12 2012-04-18
Brent pose la question :
I have a golf group that is set up as follows: 12 players, broken into 2 teams of 6. I am looking for a formula to have one player from team A play against one player for team B each round, not repeat the match, and ride with as little duplication as possible. I know that it is not statistically possible with these numbers and will have at least one round that has duplication.
Robert Dawson lui répond.
Golf for 10 2012-04-18
Bob pose la question :
Question from Bob:

I am trying to set up pairings for 4 rounds of golf with only 10 golfers (2 foursomes and 1 twosome) and trying to minimize duplications. Any formulas or help?

Victoria West and Harley Weston lui répond.
An equation of the form y=mx 2012-04-17
Samiya pose la question :
what would be an equation of the form y=mx with the points (-2, 6) and (1, -3) for the line?
Penny Nom lui répond.
What is the prime factor form of 7/5? 2012-04-17
David pose la question :
What is the prime factor form of 7/5
Robert Dawson lui répond.
Profit as a percent 2012-04-14
Anson pose la question :
The cost price of a CD is $50 and its marked price is $105. If the selling price is $88, find the profit percent.
Penny Nom lui répond.
A pyramid on a regular hexagon 2012-04-14
deepak pose la question :
There is pyramid on a base which is a regular hexagon of side 2a cm. If every slant edge of this pyramid is of length 5a/2 cm, than what will be the volume of this pyramid
Penny Nom lui répond.
A tangent line to a circle 2012-04-14
Novelyn pose la question :
find an equation of the line tangent to a circle with equation x^2+y^2+6x-8y-27=0 at the point P(1,-2)
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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