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Solve for x 2012-05-12
Desiree pose la question :
3x -5^2=8
Penny Nom lui répond.
Water in a hemispherical bowl 2012-05-12
Jimmy pose la question :
A bowl of water, being a hemisphere has a radius of 36cm. Water is filled in the bowl and has depth of 18 cm. Find the surface area of the water?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Golf for 6 2012-05-12
Steve pose la question :
We have six golfers playing in two threesomes for six rounds of golf. Can you help solve this so that everyone plays with everyone else the same amount of times or close to it? Thanks!
Victoria West lui répond.
Drawing an isosceles triangle 2012-05-10
Nazrul pose la question :
How can I draw an isosceles triangle whose each angle adjacent to the base is twice the vertex angle?
Chris Fisher lui répond.
Cycling and running 2012-05-07
liz pose la question :
a biathlete travels 20 miles in 2.25 hours. She cycles part of the way at 12 mph and runs the rest at 5 mph. How far did she run?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Buying school books 2012-05-06
abanoub pose la question :
the school fair books cost $4.89 each if Suzy brought $98.76 with her how many books could she buy?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The nth term 2012-05-05
Justin pose la question :
Which expression can be used tofind the nth term in this sequence? 94,75,56,37,18,.....
My choices are
A. -19n=113        B. -21n+115
C. -19+75        D. 21n+73

Please explain how to get the correct answer. I think it is A. but I am not sure,

Penny Nom lui répond.
A 25% sulfuric acid solution 2012-05-03
Scott pose la question :
In order to make a 25% solution with 96% Sulfuric Acid, how much of the Sulfuric do I add to DI water to make up 2000ml??
Penny Nom lui répond.
Golf: 8 players over 4 days in 4-balls 2012-05-03
JimB pose la question :
I cannot seem to get this to work. Previous answers cover 2-balls, but we are 4-balls.

What we really want is for each player to play with each other, at least once and no more than twice.
Ideally, each would also play equally in the first and the second 4-ball of the day.

Victoria West lui répond.
The maximum distance from the vertex of a triangle 2012-05-02
David pose la question :
There are three towns A,B,and C, equi-distant apart. A car is 3 miles from town A, and 4 miles from town B. (ie, somehwere outside of the triangle which the three towns form) What is the maximum distance that the car can be from town A?
This was asked as quiz question in my local pub last Sunday.
The answer is 7. How do I prove it?
Best regards. David in Denton.

Robert Dawson and Chris Fisher lui répond.
A pie chart 2012-05-01
muhammad pose la question :
How can i construct a pie chart on the following of the combunation of students:- Sos 50, Crs 25, Eng 100, Iss 75, Geo 150, Hist 10
Penny Nom lui répond.
The dimensions of a rectangle 2012-04-30
Nikki pose la question :
Name the dimensions of a rectangle that has the same area as this triangle? I found the area of the triangle, which is 30. What do I have to do in order to complete this math problem?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Two ways that a deck is square 2012-04-30
romel pose la question :
describe two ways that a deck is square
Penny Nom lui répond.
Third side of a irregular triangle. 2012-04-27
Darya. pose la question :
How to find third side of irregular triangle if c = 17m, b = 28m and area S = 210m^2.
Penny Nom lui répond.
The parameterization of a parabola 2012-04-27
Shawna pose la question :
I am having problems finding the parameterization of a parabola. The question I was given is: Find the work done if a particle moves from the points (-2,4) to (1,1) along the parabola y=x^2, while subject to the vector force of F=(x^3y,x-y). So how would I start with finding the parameterization of a parabola?
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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