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Math, time and rate 2012-05-18
Abigaíl pose la question :
Romeo and Juliet live 40 miles apart. Romeo jogs 8mph, while Juliet “fast walks” at 4mph. They leave their houses at the same time and journey toward each other.
a) How many hours after they start will they meet?
b) Approximately how many miles from Romeo’s house is their meeting point?

Penny Nom lui répond.
Three tennis balls 2012-05-17
eiman pose la question :
Three tennis balls are placed inside a container . the tennis balls are tangent to the top, bottom,and sides of the container . find the volume of air inside the container surrounding the tennis balls if the diameter of the tennis balls is 6 inches
Chris Fisher lui répond.
16 golfers 2012-05-17
Nohemi pose la question :
Can 16 golfers each play in foursomes for 6 days? I found the answer for 5 days, but is it possible to do it for 6.
Robert Dawson lui répond.
The area of a triangle 2012-05-17
Emilee pose la question :
hi. How do i find the area of a triangle if the vertices are (-3,0) (-2,2) and (3,0). I graphed it and it came out a triangle. How do I find the area of it in an easy way?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Slope 2012-05-16
Kodie pose la question :
What is the easiest way to find slope?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Les dérivées partielles 2012-05-16
Haddouche pose la question :
Je vous demande de bien vouloir m'éclaircir comment on calcule les dérivées partielles généralement étudiées dans les modèles de la concurrence fiscale à titre d'exemple celui de Wildasin ""NASH EQUILIBRIA IN MODELS OF TAX COMPETITION "", dont j'ai essayé toutes les méthodes et aucune d'elle n'est arrivée à trouver le résultat des dérivées de ce dérnier papier, à cet effet, je vous serais reconnaissant de m'éclaicir la méthode afin de résoudre ce problème qui pour moi un vrai mistère à percer. Je vous remercie infiniment à l'avance. Et comptant sur votre compréhension, mes salutations les meilleures. HA

Claude Tardif lui répond.
The depth of a chord 2012-05-16
Tim pose la question :
For a circle of Diameter 12 Mtrs, I have a chord length of 2 Mtrs, How can i calculate the distance from the middle of the chord to the perimeter of the circle
Penny Nom lui répond.
A lamp shade 2012-05-15
Fleur pose la question :
I am helping my child make a cone lampshade, the measurements are as follows in "cm's"
21 cm = height
8 cm = top diametre
40 cm = bottom diametre

Please could you give the pattern (cut out) dimensions for final cut.

Penny Nom lui répond.
Multiplying binomials 2012-05-14
Jordan pose la question :
How do I solve the equation:

Penny Nom lui répond.
Sharing the profit 2012-05-14
Mafiza pose la question :
A and B started a business by investing $6000 and $8000 respectively. At the end of the year, a profit of $2100 is made. How much amount will A get as his share of profit?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Two golf drives 2012-05-14
peter pose la question :
If a golf drive travels 250 yards with a perfectly perpendicular hit, what is the length of the base, if a second golf drive is off line by one degree?
Penny Nom lui répond.
cos(theta/30) = 1 2012-05-14
Hope pose la question :
cos (theta / 30 = 1
I am very confused as to how to solve it. Can you help?

Penny Nom lui répond.
Points per quarter 2012-05-14
debbie pose la question :
A basketball team scores 216 points in 8 quarters . Find the teams point per quarters rate
Penny Nom lui répond.
A normal distribution problem 2012-05-13
Alysia pose la question :
The scores on a test taken by 1000 students are normally distributed with a mean of 66 and standard of deviation of 12. If the college wishes only the top 8% of people to get an A, what would the cutoff score be for the A's?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Three metallic cubes 2012-05-13
Pragun pose la question :
Three metallic cubes whose edges are in the ratio 3:4:5 are melt to form a single cube whose diagonal is 12*square root of 3. What are lengths of the edges(in cm) of the three cubes
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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