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Two quadratic equations 2012-11-22
fahmie pose la question :
graph and solve the intersection of the following equations:

Penny Nom lui répond.
A raised bed in the shape of an octagon 2012-11-22
pat pose la question :
I want to make raised-bed gardens - usually 4' square, but want to be more creative by creating octagonal boxes. The ideal size for square beds is 4'x4'. The boards are 8' long, so I want to get as much out of a board as I can. If I want an octagon with a diameter of 4', I think the sides would be (rounded off) about 1.5' each using 2 full boards with a little waste and the growing space would be less than a 4' square (16 square feet). If I want to increase the length of each side to 2' each (getting the max from a board), what will the diameter of this octagon be so I can determine the growing space of the box. (The reason a 4' square is important in gardening, besides maximizing the wood, is that a person can reach into the center to plant and pick veggies without stepping on the soil, so diameter is important). My math days are long over and I'm having trouble working with octagons! Thank you!
Harley Weston lui répond.
Golf for 2 groups of 4 for six rounds 2012-11-21
Andy pose la question :
You have very kindly responded to a couple of questions I asked previously and I have tried to find the answer to my current query on the various links etc. My question: There are 8 of us going on a Golf Tour and we will be playing 2 groups of 4 for six rounds of golf. Is there a suitable schedule that works to ensure everyone plays with each other the same number of times (or as close as possible). Many thanks again for your help.
Victoria West lui répond.
Difference of squares 2012-11-19
Qelibar pose la question :
Please factorise x^2y^2 - 4
Penny Nom lui répond.
A function problem 2012-11-18
nahla pose la question :
f: IN --> IN
n --> f(n)
for every n that belongs the IN : fof(x) = 4n - 3
and for every n that belongs to IN f(2^n) = 2^(n+1) -1

Calculate f(993)

Penny Nom lui répond.
The square of any odd number, decreased by 1, is divisible by 8 2012-11-16
bailey pose la question :
Prove that the square of any odd number, decreased by 1, is divisible by 8
Penny Nom lui répond.
A path around a pond 2012-11-16
bailey pose la question :
hi there,
A circular pond is surrounded by a path 1 metre wide. The area of the path is 1/4 of the area of the pond.
Find the radius of the pond.


Penny Nom lui répond.
Factor (6a^2-5a+1)(8a^2-6a+1)(12a^2-7a+1) 2012-11-16
bailey pose la question :
Factorise f(a)=(6a^2-5a+1)(8a^2-6a+1)(12a^2-7a+1) thus find [f(a)]^1/2
Penny Nom lui répond.
Stairs for the new community center, part 2 2012-11-13
Emily pose la question :
Plans for a set of stairs for the front of a new community center use the ratio of rise to run of 2 units to 5 units.

B. Sketch a set of stairs that meets the rise-to-run ratio of 2 units to 5 units.

Penny Nom lui répond.
How much should I price the earrings? 2012-11-13
Sharon pose la question :
I want to sell some earrings and make a $12.00 profit on them I have to pay a 35% commission on them. How much should I price the earrings?
Penny Nom lui répond.
-5<2x+1<-1 2012-11-11
Rahul pose la question :
How does -5<2x+1<-1 changes to 1<|2x+1|<5. What is the rule? Can we apply absolute value function throughout the first inequality i.e. can we say |-5|<|2x+1|<|-1|. But then it becomes 5<|2x+1|<1 which is impossible because 5 is not less than 1.
Penny Nom lui répond.
What's your secret? 2012-11-11
ryan pose la question :
Tuscan school has a fair. At the fair, Pia plays "what's your secret? The game starts with 3 players who are told the same secret. Each of those 3 players tells another 3 player, and so on. At the end of the 3rd round, everyone who knows the secret will compare what they have heard. What number in exponent form represents the number of people who know the secret after 3 rounds? How many people is that?

Thank you very much.

P.S. I got 3 cube. which is 27

But when i map it out I end up with 39.

Penny Nom lui répond.
Practical uses of trigonometry 2012-11-11
Michael pose la question :
Where can I find books or information on real life function of sine and cosine?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A mathematical expression with the answer 7 2012-11-10
emily pose la question :
hey um i need to find and problem that fallows bedmas that has one division one multiplication and one sub and one add and one brackets and one exponents that has the answer of number 7
Penny Nom lui répond.
Converting a mixed number to a decimal 2012-11-10
Mahaveer pose la question :
Convert mixed fraction to decimals: 4 2/6
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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