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A max/min problem 2012-12-14
bailey pose la question :
A right angled triangle OPQ is drawn as shown where O is at (0,0). P is a point on the parabola y = ax – x^2 and Q is on the x-axis.

Show that the maximum possible area for the triangle OPQ is (2a^3)/(27)

Penny Nom lui répond.
The perimeter of an equilateral triangle 2012-12-14
shreyaarora pose la question :
if the area of on equilateral triangle is 24/3cm,then what is its perimeter
Penny Nom lui répond.
A project on reclaiming water 2012-12-11
shannon pose la question :
I'm doing a report to reclaim water off of our campus facility to store in a cistern to use to flush toilets.

In Southeast Wisconsin and average of 82 inches of rain and snow fall annually. I want to collect that off of the roof of our school building. The roof is 37128 square feet. how many gallons annually could I collect?

Penny Nom lui répond.
If n is odd, then n^2 - 3 is even 2012-12-11
Tracy pose la question :
Prove the statement:

For all integers n, if n is odd, then n2 - 3 is even.

Penny Nom lui répond.
The circumcenter 2012-12-09
BandNerd pose la question :
I need to find the circumcenter of the triangle with the coordinates A(0,0) B(12,6) and C(18,0). I do not understand how to solve it algebraically. Please help!
Chris Fisher lui répond.
A parabolic bridge 2012-12-09
Elizabeth pose la question :
1) The figure below shows a bridge across a river. The arch of the bridge is a parabola and the six vertical cables that help support the road are equally spaced at 4-m intervals. Figure B shows the parabolic arch in an x-y coordinate system, with the left-end of the arch at the origin. As indicated in Figure B, the length of the leftmost cable is 3.072 m.

I'm suppose to find the (x-h)^2=-4a(y-k) equation for this word problem and I really do not know where to begin.

Afterwards, I need to find the lengths of the other cables and the maximum height of the arch of the road as well which I am very confused about

Penny Nom lui répond.
Mark has 312 books 2012-12-07
paul pose la question :
Mark has 312 books. He has 11 times as many fiction books as non fiction books. How many fiction books does he have?
Penny Nom lui répond.
An arrow is shot straight up in the air 2012-12-06
heather pose la question :
The skywalk is a glass bottomed platform that hangs over the edge of the Grand Canyon and is suspended 4000 feet above the floor of the canyon. If a tourist shot an arrow straight up in the air from the observation platform, the arrow's height could be modeled by H(t) =-16^2 + 240 + 4000 where H(t) is the height of the arrow above the canyon floor in feet t seconds after being shot, t>0.
(a) Find H(5) and explain its meaning

Penny Nom lui répond.
The angles of elevation and depression 2012-12-03
Chelsey pose la question :
a person on a balcony of one building looks towards a second building. if the angle of elevation to the top of the second building is 25 degrees, the angle of depression to the bottom of the second building is 17 degrees, and the balcony of the first building is 22 feet above the ground, what is the height of the second building?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Transposition error 2012-12-03
Carol pose la question :
What is the correct term for when a child writes 61 instead of 16, or 83 for 38--when they switch the place values of a number?
Chris Fisher lui répond.
A circle inscribed in a triangle 2012-11-28
Angie pose la question :
Circle O is inscribed in triangle ABC. Angle A = 50 and angle B = 60. Find arc XY in dgrees
Penny Nom lui répond.
Sinx=logx+x^2 2012-11-28
yasmin pose la question :
Harley Weston lui répond.
The area of a triangle given its vertices 2012-11-27
elizabeth pose la question :
how to calculate the area of a triangle using points ABC a (2,5) b ( -4,-3) c ( 6, -1)
Penny Nom lui répond.
Two sides of a triangle 2012-11-25
Nazrul pose la question :
In the triangle ABC, AB>AC and the bisector AD of angle BAC intersects BC at D. How can I prove that angle ADB is an obtuse angle.
Penny Nom lui répond.
What is the probability that the sixth draw will be a red ball? 2012-11-23
Patty pose la question :
The probability of drawing a red ball out of a bag containing one red ball and one black ball is 1/2. An experiment is conducted where these two balls are placed in a bag before drawing a ball out. A ball is drawn 5 times from the bag containing the two balls. Each of the first five times the red ball was drawn out. what is the probability that the sixth draw will be a red ball?
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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