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Mod versus Rem in Turing 2013-01-01
Eric pose la question :
I am a teacher teaching computer science using Turing. I am having difficulty understanding why one would use the mod operator versus the rem remainder operator.

Mod seems to make the resulting sign depend on the sign of the divisor, whereas rem makes the resulting sign depend on the dividend.


11 mod 5 = 1 and 11 rem 5 =1
-11 mod 5 = 4 and -11 rem 5 = -1
11 mod -5 = -4 and 11 rem -5 =1
-11 mod -5 = -1 and -11 rem -5 = -1

What I can't understand is why this would matter. For example, -11 / 5 = -2.2 and 11 / -5 = -2.2 get the same result.
So how is a remainder dependent on the sign of one of the parts? What benefit would using one over the other have?

Any insight would be most helpful!


Harley Weston lui répond.
A triangular island 2012-12-29
Udit pose la question :
A long time ago Mr Gibson found an island shaped as a triangle with three straight shores of length 3 km,4 km and 5 km. He declared an 'exclusion zone' around his island and forbade anyone to come within 1 km of his shore. What was the area of his exclusion zone?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Solve 2x^4+x^3-37x>26x^2+12 using a graphical approach. 2012-12-29
Tehmas pose la question :
Solve 2x^4+x^3-37x>26x^2+12 using a graphical approach.
I don't know how to find the x-intercepts or y-intercepts in this form.

Penny Nom lui répond.
A 12 acre parcel of land 2012-12-28
John pose la question :
What are the dimensions of a 12-acre parcel if it is 3 square acres deep and 4 square acres wide?
Penny Nom lui répond.
6 digit permutations from {1-49} 2012-12-27
ange pose la question :
how many six digits numbers permutations can be formed with the set {1-49} if no digit is used twice in each permutation??
Penny Nom lui répond.
Increasing the size of a gift box 2012-12-27
Tehmas pose la question :
The dimensions of a gift box are consective positive integers such that the height is the lowest integer and the length is the greatest integer. If the height is increased by 1cm, the width increased by 2 cm, and the length increased by 3 cm, then a larger box is constructed and the volume is increased by 456 cm^3. Determine the dimensions of each box.
Harley Weston lui répond.
Two polynomials are divisible by x - 2 2012-12-26
Tehmas pose la question :
Determine the values of m and n so that the polynomials 2x^3+mx^2+nx-3 and x^3-3mx^2+2nx+4 are both divisible by x-2.
Penny Nom lui répond.
A 4 digit phone lock using the digits 4, 2, 3 and 0 2012-12-24
Ragu pose la question :
I would like to know formula for searching a combination of 4 digit. eg.

I knew my Phone Lock combination is my car plate number 4230. But this time, i used another way around instead of 4230.

But I am sure, there is only this 4 digits only. 4 & 2 & 3 & 0

Penny Nom lui répond.
A valid UPC number 2012-12-22
Jacob pose la question :
A valid UPC number , ABABABABAB- C must end in a 2 after using the rule:

3A +B+3A+B+3A+B+3A+B+3A+B+C=##2.

What would term C need to be in order to make the following UPC valid? 2741825293-C

Harley Weston lui répond.
The last 4 digits of a cell phone number 2012-12-22
Jacob pose la question :
If the last 4 digits of a cell phone number, XXX-XXX-ABCD, are restricted where: A cannot be 0 or 1 and B cannot be 0 / how many possible 4 digit combinations are left?
Penny Nom lui répond.
2 1/4 x 1/8 x 1 3/4 x 12 4/9 x 3 2012-12-21
Tony pose la question :
Ok my question

2 1/4 x 1/8 x 1 3/4 x 12 4/9 x 3

I just can't figure out the question ?

Penny Nom lui répond.
3x6)+(12divided by2)-8= ? 2012-12-17
christina pose la question :
hi my question that's been bothering me is what's
(3x6)+(12divided by2)-8= ?????

Penny Nom lui répond.
Milling round stock to square stock 2012-12-17
Bryan pose la question :
Question from Bryan:
I want to know what the smallest diameter round is that will make a 3-1/4" square? Is there a formula for that? I am milling round stock into square.
Thank you.

Harley Weston lui répond.
An integral 2012-12-16
Slavena pose la question :
integration of (lnx)^2 / x dx
Penny Nom lui répond.
An area bounded by lines 2012-12-16
sidra pose la question :
find area bounded by functions:
and y=5-x

Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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