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The derivative of y = sin (30º + x) 2012-11-07
Saskia pose la question :
derivative of y = sin (30º + x)
Harley Weston lui répond.
Joe and Chris each bought a six pack of cola 2012-11-01
Loulou pose la question :
Joe and Chris each bought a six pack of cola. Joe gave 2/3 of his away and Chris gave half as many as Joe. how many more colas did Chris have than Joe
Penny Nom lui répond.
Filling a box with wood chips 2012-10-31
lee-Anne pose la question :
Each bag of wood chippings will fill 4m3 how bags would be needed?
Volume of box is 572 cm3
W= 6.5CM

Penny Nom lui répond.
4+4x5+4= ? 2012-10-31
Bob pose la question :
4+4x5+4= ?
Harley Weston lui répond.
Frosting a three layer cake 2012-10-30
johnathan pose la question :
Each layer of a 3 layer cake is a cylinder with height 7.5 cm. The bottom layer has diamegter 25 cm. The middle layer has dimegter 22.5 cm. The top layer has diameter 20 cm. The surface of the cke is frosted. What area of the cake is frosted. I get 1695.56 but the answer in the book is 2081.3
Penny Nom lui répond.
My compass was off by 8 degrees 2012-10-30
Oscar pose la question :
If I walked 620' and my compass was off by 8 degrees how many feet from my heading was I? Thank You
Penny Nom lui répond.
The sum of a number p and twenty-one 2012-10-30
mayra pose la question :
the sum of a number p and twenty-one
Penny Nom lui répond.
Introductory algebra 2012-10-30
kevon pose la question :
if x = 7 is used in the expression 2x + 5 what is the output
Penny Nom lui répond.
A bipartite graph 2012-10-29
A student pose la question :
Suppose that G be a bipartite graph with maximum degree of k.

Prove that:

1)Exists a K-regular bipartite graph that G be subgraph it(H)

Claude Tardif lui répond.
birdhouse in the shape of a rectangular prism 2012-10-29
Tiffany pose la question :
Hello, I am Tiff M. from NYC.
I was solving a math problem about adding,subtracting,multiplying or dividing fractions and mixed numbers. I am not getting this question below.
* Laura is building a birdhouse in the shape of a rectangular prism. The base of the birdhouse has an area of 5 square inches. The height of the birdhouse is 2 7/12 inches. Laura calculated the volume of the bird house to be 10 7/12in. Is she correct?
If not, what did she do wrong?

Robert Dawson lui répond.
Forming an algebraic expression 2012-10-27
ashley pose la question :
A sidewalk has a constant width W and comprises several short sections having lengths 12, 14,and 10 feet. How do I find the simplified expression that gives the number of square feet of sidewalk?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Square root 2012-10-27
Ashley pose la question :
what does square root means
Penny Nom lui répond.
An implicit differentiation problem 2012-10-26
Katie pose la question :
find y' of x^2y-2y^3=3x+2y
Harley Weston lui répond.
Some 4 digit numbers 2012-10-25
samira pose la question :
How many 4-digit numbers are there in which the first and last digits are the same?
Penny Nom lui répond.
How fast is the distance between the aircraft and the car increasing? 2012-10-24
Steven pose la question :
At a certain instant an aircraft flying due east at 240 miles per hour passes directly over a car traveling due southeast at 60 miles per hour on a straight, level road. If the aircraft is flying at an altitude of .5mile, how fast is the distance between the aircraft and the car increasing 36 seconds after the aircraft passes directly over the car?
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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