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A concrete walk around a pool 2013-09-18
poornima pose la question :
circular Swimming pool is surrounded by a concrete walk 4 feet wide, if the area of the walk is 11/25 of the area of the pool, then the radius of the pool in feet is
Penny Nom lui répond.
Covering a styrofoam ball with fabric 2013-09-11
Alice pose la question :
I am trying to create a pattern in order to cover a styrofoam ball with fabric. The pattern needs to be done in such a way as to have only a center seam, rather than several vertical lines as in slicing a melon.
Chris Fisher lui répond.
Intersection points and diagonals 2013-09-11
Kenneth pose la question :
I was wondering, is there a relationship between the number of sides of a regular n-gon and the number of times its diagonals intersect?
4 sides=1 intersect (center, diagonals form an 'X' )
5 sides=5 intersects (diagonals form a star)
6 sides=13 intersects
And so on.

Chris Fisher lui répond.
Miles per minute to miles per hour 2013-09-08
Adam pose la question :
Convert 250 miles per min to miles per hour
Penny Nom lui répond.
A question on markup 2013-09-08
ezile pose la question :
if the gross profit for the previous year was R125000 and for the new year its R195000 the mark up achieved was 95%....whats the new mark up
Penny Nom lui répond.
How we convert cm to mm? 2013-09-08
Génesis pose la question :
How we convert cm to mm?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A contest with 31 people 2013-09-06
Kevin pose la question :
There is a contest with 31 people and only one winner each week.
We play for 17 weeks.
What are the odds of winning at least one week?
The chances of winning each week are independent from previous weeks.

Robert Dawson lui répond.
The sum of all whole numbers from 1 to X 2013-09-06
Tim pose la question :
How do I develop a rule for the sum of all whole numbers from 1 to X when I have no idea how to do this
Penny Nom lui répond.
A garden path 2013-09-06
mary pose la question :
garden path has 8 white slabs, four of the slabs are one third grey, what area of the path is grey
Penny Nom lui répond.
1760 as a percentage of 5000 2013-09-05
ken pose la question :
how do I express 1760 as a percentage of 5000
Penny Nom lui répond.
A word problem 2013-09-05
Thomas pose la question :
I'm trying to help my 9th grade child with their homework. The problem is the Length of a rectangle is twice as long as it is wide. The perimeter is 68m. Find It's length and width
Penny Nom lui répond.
2^x . 5^3 = x^4 2013-09-05
Zuhdina pose la question :
Hi, I got a question, 2^x . 5^3 = x^4 I want to know the value of x without using calculator, I've already done some questions in logarithm and I always stuck in the same model equation-I think if someone shows me the way, I can do the other 'stuck equations'
Penny Nom lui répond.
A sequence or a series? 2013-09-05
Rahul pose la question :
Whether the following sequence is increasing or decreasing? I even do not kow whether to call it a sequence or not. an = (1/(1+n))+(1/(2+n))+....+(1/(n+n)). I am confused. It looks like a series to me. Please help.

Robert Dawson lui répond.
6 golfers in threesomes 2013-09-04
Gregg pose la question :
We have 6 golfers playing in threesomes for three rounds of golf. I would like each golfer to play equally with the other 5. How can this be done.
Victoria West lui répond.
A Hole-in-one on all four par 3's 2013-09-04
Robert pose la question :
There are four (4) par 3's at a specific 18 hole course. One member has the honor of making a Hole-in-one on all four par 3's. It has taken him 8 years to do it! How does one go about computing the odds of this TREMENDOUS accomplishment? Respectfully, Robert laffal
Victoria West lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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