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7 golfers, a threesome and a foursome 2013-09-04
Scott pose la question :
I'm leading a golf trip with 7 guys, and we're playing 5 rounds of golf together with a threesome and a foursome at each course..

I want to set up a schedule where each person plays at least two rounds with each of the other 6 guys.

Is that possible? I can't seem to find the right combinations.

Thanks for your help!

Victoria West lui répond.
14 golfers in two person teams 2013-09-04
Stewart pose la question :
How to rotate 14 golfers in two person teams without duplication until all have been paired at least once. Play is once per week.
Victoria West lui répond.
A two digit number 2013-09-04
JEFFERSON pose la question :
The sum of the digits is 6. When the digits are interchange, the new number represented is 3 time the 10 digit of the original number. Find the original number?
Penny Nom lui répond.
8 numbers from 80 2013-09-04
susan pose la question :
Out of 80 numbers how many combinations of 8 are there and what are they.
Penny Nom lui répond.
How many nickles do you have? 2013-09-04
Monica pose la question :
You have 15 more dimes than nickels. If you have $2.55, how many nickels do you have?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Ordering crushed stone 2013-09-03
Prakash pose la question :
Dear Sirs, I am working in a Soft Landscaping contracting company. If I need to purchase crushed stone with the size 50-70mm for $53,429 m^2$ area, how many 20feet containers should I need to order to my suppliers? The 20foot container has internal dimensions 5,897 mm by 2,348 mm by 2,285 mm and the $53,429 m^2$ area is to be covered by 10 cm of stone.
Harley Weston lui répond.
The perimeter of a 1.4 acre square 2013-08-29
Destini pose la question :
I cannot figure out what the perimeter for 1.4 acres of land in the shape of a square. I have tried and tried and eventually tried to use a calculator and I still can't figure it out. Can you help me? Thanks!

Penny Nom lui répond.
A schedule for 18 golfers 2013-08-29
Brian pose la question :
After searching the data base which helped me solve at least 3 other issues I have one more un answered question. I have 18 golfers split into 6 threesomes for 4 days of golf. What is my best option for a schedule mixing them all up as much as possible over the course of the 4 days
Victoria West lui répond.
An algebraic equation 2013-08-28
walter pose la question :
i'm a parent helping my daughter can you do a step by step on this equation been out of school for years thanks (4w-28)+(11w+13)=180 thanks
Penny Nom lui répond.
More than half of the people said... 2013-08-26
Lucy pose la question :
The question is:
Samoa 23%
Brazil 41%
Sri Lanka 52%
Senegal 39%
Armenia 37%
Croatia 20%
Why is the following statement true for the data above: More than half of the people said they were interested in Sri Lanka. The reason I don't understand the problem is that because the percentages add up to be greater than 100%, that means that the 500 people(as stated in the question) who participated in the survey got to pick more than once. Therefore, it is not 52% out of 100% anymore. Thanks for taking the time to answer my question.

Robert Dawson lui répond.
Golden Ratio 2013-08-26
Mark pose la question :
Please Help. I'm trying to help my Child and I have no clue on this math question.

Rectangular shapes with a length to width ratio of approximately 5 to 3 are pleasing to the eye. The ratio is know as the golden ratio. A designer can us the expression 1/3(5w) to find the length of such a rectangle with width 6 inches.

Robert Dawson and Penny Nom lui répond.
More on the scheduling of 16 golfers in 4 rounds 2013-08-26
Peter pose la question :
I see your formula for 16 players 4 rounds.
Is it possible to get the players into different groups each day.
E.G Player 1 in group 1 the first day,
Group 2 the second day,
Group 3 the third day,
Group 4 the fourth day.
Then so on through the players.

Victoria West lui répond.
Tesseract 2013-08-22
Dan pose la question :
I am not a mathematician. This seems to me an intuitively simple enough problem that I very much need an answer to from someone who's mathematics are better than mine. Please help.

The question is: for a tesseract of side length = 1 what is the distance of the center of each cube from the center of the tesseract ?

I think I have calculated the distance of each vertex from the center, and of the center of each edge from the center, but the question above baffles me.

(anyone not having a clue what I am talking about can brush up here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tesseract )

Thanks in advance - Dan V

Robert Dawson lui répond.
Constructing a triangle 2013-08-22
Nazrul pose la question :
The base, the difference of the angles adjoining the base and the sum of the other two sides are given. How can I draw the triangle?
Please help me.

Chris Fisher lui répond.
Euclid's Parallel Postulate 2013-08-20
Justin pose la question :
Hello there,

I was wondering is Euclid's Fifth Parallel Postulate of parallel lines never intersecting, undecidable or essentially undecidable?

Thank you so much for any help you can provide!

Robert Dawson lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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