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Two teams of 4 playing 4 rounds of golf 2013-09-29
Tom pose la question :
We would like to play a ryder cup format with two teams of 4 playing 4 rounds of golf. Three of the rounds would be pairs playing each other and one round would be singles. How can we set up the foursomes so we balance the number of times we play with every other golfer.
Victoria West lui répond.
The markup on a country maple bedroom set 2013-09-26
steven pose la question :
Bargain Furniture sells a five-piece country maple bedroom set for $1299. The cost of this set is $700. What are the markup on the bedroom set?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Cubic centimeters, milliliters and grams 2013-09-26
Laura pose la question :
How do I find the volume of a cube with dimensions of .78 cm, .3 cm and .22 cm? Then find the volume in ML and the mass if filled with water?
Penny Nom lui répond.
12 golfers for 7 rounds 2013-09-25
Dennis pose la question :
I have 12 golfers playing a round of golf for seven days. How can I set-up teams so that everyone plays with everyone at least once in those seven days. Thanks!
Victoria West lui répond.
A schedule for 2, 7 team divisions 2013-09-24
Sampson pose la question :
I'm looking to set up a weekly schedule within a 22 week segment of 2 7 team divisions where every team plays every other team in their divison 3 times and have 4 cross over games with 4 of the other 7 teams in the other division. I've yet to figure this out. Thanks for your time.
Victoria West lui répond.
6 golfers in threesomes over 7 rounds 2013-09-24
David pose la question :
I have 6 golfers, (2 threesomes) who will be playing 7 rounds of golf. What is the best way to pair the 6 players so they play with as many different players over the 7 rounds?
Victoria West lui répond.
Two, 2-digit numbers 2013-09-24
Tony pose la question :
Write a problem that has two 2-digit numbers.

solve your problem.

Penny Nom lui répond.
A pool, a school, a park and home 2013-09-24
Selena pose la question :
The distance from the park to the pool is the same distance as the distance from your house to school. The school is between the pool and your house. Prove that the distance from the park to the school is the same distance from the pool to your house.
Robert Dawson lui répond.
Price, revenue and profit 2013-09-22
lorraine pose la question :
What price maximizes revenue? What price maximizes profit?

The only data I'm given is total output, total revenue, and total cost. I'm not sure how to set up a formula

Penny Nom lui répond.
25 people are attending a 5 day meeting. 2013-09-20
Lisa pose la question :
25 people are attending a 5 day meeting. There are 5 tables, with each table seating 5 (or 6). I want each person to sit at a different table every day with completely different people.
Is this possible. Can do I figure this out?
I have each of the people a letter designation from A to Y. Each table have a number from 1 to 5.
Thank you!

Victoria West lui répond.
A sequence of operations, in order 2013-09-20
jen pose la question :
multiply 46x23
add 342
divide by 70
subtract 5
I not sure what the answer is..i need to know the answer..thanks..

Penny Nom lui répond.
A rectangular hyperbola 2013-09-19
Soumya pose la question :
Is the graph of an inverse variation a RECTANGULAR HYPERBOLA? If it is, then how can be the equation of a rectangular hyperbola be xy=constant , whereas in the books it is written that the graph of a rectangular hyperbola is- x^2-y^2=a^2?
Chris Fisher lui répond.
The number of cords on a pile of wood 2013-09-18
Gary pose la question :
a cord of wood is 4 feet by 4 feet by 8 feet, how much wood is a row that is 16 in by 5 foot by 32 feet?
Penny Nom lui répond.
If the earth was made of a ball of string 2013-09-18
Tammy pose la question :
My 9 year old son asked me a question and I have no idea how to work it out! Please can you help?

If the earth was made of a ball of string and you unravelled the string how long would it be? Assuming the string is 5mm thick.

Penny Nom lui répond.
The volume of an attic 2013-09-18
David pose la question :
I have small equipment hut that has a small attic space that I want to blow insulation into it.
The attic size is shaped like a triangle that is about 8 feet by 10 feet by 7 inches at the highest point.
I need to estimate the volume in square feet or cubic feet to know how many bags of insulation to blow into the space.

Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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