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A frustum 2013-10-12
Lily pose la question :
A cone of height 6in. and radius of base 4in. has its top cut off by a plane parallel to its base and 4in from it. Find the volume of the remaining frustum.

I have worked out the volume of the entire cone but I don't know how to work out the radius of the top of the frustum.


Penny Nom lui répond.
The domain of a derivative 2013-10-10
Renee pose la question :
I am looking to find the domain of a derivative of a radical function, one such as: f(x) = the square root of (8 − x).
I am kind of unclear on how domains work for derivative. I don't understand how you take a function's domain and use that to find the derivative's domain.

Penny Nom lui répond.
Proportional rates 2013-10-10
Varsha pose la question :
A province's Ministry of Social services has found that both the number of people needing social assistance and the province's total expenditures on social assistance are proportional to the rate of unemployment. Last August when the provincial unemployment rate was 8.4 %, the province provided assistance to 89,300 individuals at a total cost of 4107.4 million. The forecast unemployment rate for next August is 7.9%. How many people can the province expect to need social assistance next August? What amount should the province budget for social assistance in August?
Penny Nom lui répond.
How many cubic centimetres are there is a cubic meter? 2013-10-10
Larry pose la question :
Change 1meter(to 3rd power) to centimetre(to 3rd power). This is a metric conversion problem
Penny Nom lui répond.
Markup 2013-10-10
toya pose la question :
The cost for an item is $27.99. If the selling price is $39.99, then detetmine the following markup, %markup on cost, %markup on selling price
Penny Nom lui répond.
Four tangent circles 2013-10-09
Nilesh pose la question :
Four circular cardboard pieces, each of radius 7cm are placed in such a way that each piece touches two other pieces. How to find the area of the space enclosed by the four pieces?
Please let me know.

Robert Dawson lui répond.
Maximize the volume of a cone 2013-10-09
Conlan pose la question :
Hi I am dong calculus at school and I'm stumped by this question:

A cone has a slant length of 30cm. Calculate the height, h, of the cone if the volume is to be a maximum.

If anyone can help me it would be greatly appreciated.


Penny Nom lui répond.
An Arithmetic Progression 2013-10-08
collins pose la question :
In an A.P. the difference between the 8th and 4th term is 20 and the 8th is one and half times the 4th term... what is the common difference and the first term
Penny Nom lui répond.
A line through (5, 1) 2013-10-08
allison pose la question :
find an equation in standard form for line passing through point (5,1) and perpendicular to line x=4
Penny Nom lui répond.
The ratio of salt to water 2013-10-06
varsha pose la question :
My name is Varsha. I am a student and below is my question:

1. The brine used in an industrial process is 12.5% salt by weight. What i= s the ratio (by weights) of salt to water to the brine?

Thank you Varsha

Penny Nom lui répond.
Two bikers race on a circular track 2013-10-03
bryan pose la question :
two bikers race on a circular track. biker a can circle the track in 8 minutes, and biker b can circle the track in 6 minutes. From the start of the race, how many minutes will it be before biker b overtakes biker a.
Chris Fisher lui répond.
A triangle problem 2013-10-02
raneem pose la question :
ABC is a triangle in which : BC=20cm. M(<B) =29 and m(<C)=73 . D is the midpoint of BC Find the length Of AB and AD approximated to 2 decimal places
Penny Nom lui répond.
Problem solving 2013-10-02
naomi pose la question :
My son having trouble a math problem please help with this question a bag of cough drops contains 36 drops. the fraction of each flavor is shown in the table strawberry 5/12 honey 1/12 cherry 1/6 mint1/9 and lemon 1/4 which flavor is the greast in the bag
Penny Nom lui répond.
Group the addends so that you can add mentally 2013-10-01
monica pose la question :
the questions in the homework says change the order or group the addends so that you can add mentally ,find the sum and tell which property you used 120+37+280 and 25+25+30
Penny Nom lui répond.
Base 5 2013-09-30
Zakir pose la question :
Sir I wanna know something about base 5 number system Why we use it and who use this ? and what is the purpose of it
Robert Dawson lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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