Nous avons trouvé 38 articles correspondant à votre recherche.
 Est-ce que les personnes qui aiment les mathématiques apprécient particulièrement les jeux? Vérifiez l’hypothèse en examinant histogrammes, quartiles et écarts-types.
AUTEUR(S): France Caron et Linda Gattuso pour Statistique Canada
 Analysez les données sur l’emploi du temps pour déterminer les activités les plus populaires.
AUTEUR(S): France Caron et Linda Gattuso pour Statistique Canada
 Y a-t-il un rapport entre la dimension des pieds et la taille d’une personne? Créez un diagramme de dispersion et déterminez des droites de meilleur ajustement en utilisant deux méthodes différentes, avec ou sans la technologie.
AUTEUR(S): Anna Spanik pour Statistique Canada
 A note on the concept of variation in a data set, and a rational for using standard deviation as a measure of this variation.
AUTEUR(S): Harley Weston
 Karen designed this website to assist teachers and pre-service teachers in the area of mathematics from Kindergarten to Grade 12 . Here you will find a multitude of teacher resources to assist you in incorporating Aboriginal content in your mathematics program.
AUTEUR(S): Karen Arnason
 This unit was developed for the beginning secondary level and gives students a chance to both learn valuable mathmatics skills and to become aware of the impact gambling has on our society. The unit provides objectives, evalution ideas and suggested activities for students. Also listed are resource materials that can be used with this unit.
AUTEUR(S): Murray Sanders and Eric Hamm
 Some main concepts discussed in this Stewart Resource unit are properties of polygons, Pythagorean Theorem and Trionometric Ratios. There are five main sections each with corresponding activities. Activites include sections on Objectives, Background Knowledge, Time frame,Iinstructional Methods, Aadaptive Dimension and Assessment.
AUTEUR(S): Keith Seidler and Romesh Kachroo
 The atlatl and dart, the predecessor to the bow and arrow, was very important in the lives of Aboriginals in Saskatchewan and all over the world up until about 2000 years ago. Experiment based lessons allow students to learn about the science behind the weapon system that put humans on top of the food chain. Subject integrated lessons for grades 4-12 in the areas of math, science and social studies based on Saskatchewan curriculum objectives.
AUTEUR(S): Janice Cotcher
 This teacher has used information from cars in the school parking lot as an easily accessible resource from which to collect and process data.
AUTEUR(S): Suzie Ashton
 A conditional probability example where your intuition may lead to a poor estimate of the correct probability. The situation described results from false positives in a medical diagnostic procedure.
AUTEUR(S): Roberta Lahaye and Penny Nom
 This Stewart Resources Centre unit is designed to assist students in the calculation and estimation of income and expenses, the development a budget to guide current and future planning and to communicate a summary of financial projections in appropriate reports, tables and graphs.
AUTEUR(S): Gail Huber
 This secondary unit helps teach students the importance of being "consumer wise" now and after graduation. Income, Budgeting and Credit, Saving and Loans are a few of the topics discussed in the activities. Worksheets for the activities are included in this unit as well as objectives, evaluation and resources ideas.
AUTEUR(S): Michelle Profeit
 This is the lead article in the fifth edition of Ideas and Resources for Teachers of Mathematics, a newsletter published by the Saskatchewan Mathematics Teachers' Society. The topic of the fifth edition of the newsletter is data management and in this article Vi introduces the topic and presents the view that statistical inquiry by students be developed through authentic developmentally appropriate and curriculum-relevant activities.
AUTEUR(S): Vi Maeers
 This one of the articles in the fifth edition of Ideas and Resources for Teachers of Mathematics, a newsletter published by the Saskatchewan Mathematics Teachers' Society. The topic of the fifth edition of the newsletter is data management and in this article Jeff outlines how he uses resources and data from the internet to motivate and develop the concept of standard deviation.
AUTEUR(S): Jeff Walters
 This is one of the articles in the fifth edition of Ideas and Resources for Teachers of Mathematics, a newsletter published by the Saskatchewan Mathematics Teachers' Society. The topic of the fifth edition of the newsletter is data management and in this article Walter shows how he uses data collected from the internet to construct box and whisker plots.
AUTEUR(S): Walter Wood