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Nous avons trouvé 11 articles correspondant à votre recherche.
Aboriginal Perspectives
Aboriginal Perspectives is a companion web site to Math Central. It is part of Mathematics with a Human Face. The purpose is to create and make available lesson ideas for teachers, constructed around video clips with an Aboriginal focus. The site is under construction and in its infancy but the intent is that the number of video clips will increase and the lessons will span all areas of the curriculum.

Proceed to Aboriginal Perspectives.
Aboriginal resources in mathematics education
Karen designed this website to assist teachers and pre-service teachers in the area of mathematics from Kindergarten to Grade 12 . Here you will find a multitude of teacher resources to assist you in incorporating Aboriginal content in your mathematics program.
Atlatl Lessons Grades 4-12
The atlatl and dart, the predecessor to the bow and arrow, was very important in the lives of Aboriginals in Saskatchewan and all over the world up until about 2000 years ago. Experiment based lessons allow students to learn about the science behind the weapon system that put humans on top of the food chain. Subject integrated lessons for grades 4-12 in the areas of math, science and social studies based on Saskatchewan curriculum objectives.
Estimation of Irregular Surface Areas (HTML ou PDF)
Calculating the area of a rectangles, circles, triangles etc.has been been a regular exercise for students of mathematics. Unfortunately much of the world is irregular in shape and design. This exercise introduces the students to estimating the area of irregular surfaces.
Hands On Math Activities for Grades 4-6
This is a kit of 30 hands on activities for students in grades 4-6. There are activities in data management and analysis, geometry, measurement, numbers and operations, problem solving and assessment and evaluation. All of the activities contain teacher notes and task cards.
Jabberwocky: A Lake and Island Board Project (HTML ou PDF)
A mathematical role play using Lake and Island Boards where students plan to move from Jabberwocky to their new planet "New Jabberwocky". Activities included discussions and analysis about climate, population, distance, area and perimeter.
Math on the Farm
This article discusses some of the many ways in which math is used in agriculture. It considers specific agriculture processes, as well as a variety of math concepts.
Measurement: An Elementary Resource List (HTML ou PDF)
A collection of elementary measurement resources compiled by students in a senior education mathematics class taught by Vi Maeers at the University of Regina.
Money Unit for Grade Five (HTML ou PDF)
A Money Unit developed for Grade 5 includes Math, Integration,and Learning center activities, bulletin board ideas, suggested teacher resources and evaluation sections. Activites are tied back to the Saskatchewan Education Mathematics Curriculum Guide (Elementary) with Strands, Topics and CELS covered within the unit.
Time Money Temperature (HTML ou PDF)
Eileen considers three subtopics from the measurement strand at the elementary level, Money, Time and Temperature. For each she has developed several lessons.
Under the Sea (HTML ou PDF)
A huge collection of activities and resources on the subject of our seas and oceans and the animals that live there. Includes activities in Mathematics, Science, Research and Language Arts. Other resources are Internet links, magazine and book listings, audio and visual references.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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