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26 articles trouvés pour ce sujet.
Volume tetraedre 1998-02-13
Solecki Yannick pose la question :
j`aimerais savoir s`il existe une formule de calcul simplifie pour trouver le volume du tetraedre en fonction de ses cotes et sans utiliser une expression matricielle.
Chris Fisher lui répond.
A regular tetrahedron 2017-03-12
Jeramie pose la question :
When we have a regular tetrahedron, is it always true that all the angles of the triangles measure 60 degrees?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The surface area of the tetrahedron 2012-04-04
youssef pose la question :
how to find the total surface area of the tetrahedron ?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The volume of an irregular tetrahedron 2012-02-22
Brittany pose la question :
If I am given an irregular tetrahedron with the coordinates of the 4 points how do I find the volume? For example I am asked to find the volume and only given the points A(-4,-3,5), B(2,-1,2), C(0,-5,0), and D(-2,0,0) can you shown me the working and formular to find the volume?
Robert Dawson lui répond.
The volume of a closed 3D mesh object 2009-09-10
Ozen pose la question :
I want to calculate the volume of a closed 3D mesh object having a surface made up triangles.
Robert Dawson lui répond.
A triangular pyramid 2009-02-06
kamran pose la question :
what would be an example of a triangular pyramid
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
A truncated tetrahedron 2009-02-05
Brad pose la question :
If you take a regular tetrahedron and truncate it so you keep the original three 60degree angles around one vertex but the legs originating from it become any three consecutive terms of the Fibonacci series the new base is one triangle of a pentagon. I want to know the height of the new pyramid relative to its new base and the angles between the base and the other three sides.
Robert Dawson lui répond.
Triangular prisms and pyramids 2009-01-10
KJ pose la question :
What are some items found in a home or school that could be considered a triangular prism or triangular pyramid?
Robert Dawson and Penny Nom lui répond.
Angles in a regular tetrahedron 2008-08-07
Carla pose la question :
Hi guys, A regular tetrahedron has all its edges 8cm in length. Find the angles which an edge makes with the base. Thanks. Carla
Penny Nom lui répond.
An irregular tetrahedron 2008-04-24
RAUL pose la question :
I am looking an expression for an edge length as function of the other five edge lengths of irregular tetrahedron.
Walter Whiteley lui répond.
Scalar triple product and volume of a general tetrahedron 2007-08-03
Anurag pose la question :
how do you prove that volume of tetrahedron= 1/12 times scalar triple product of vectors a,b and c?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
An irregular tetrahedron 2007-05-06
Carrie pose la question :
Assume a tetrahedron (not regular) with vertices A, B, C, O, in which vertex A is at (0,0,0) in Cartesian space, line-segment AB is the x-axis, and face ABC defines the x-y plane (but no edge is parallel to the y-axis). Assuming that the xyz coordinates of O are all positive, and given the lengths of all of the line-segments (AB, BC, AC, AO, BO, CO), but none of the angles, what is the formula for calculating the xyz coordinates of O?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Iago the Insect lives on the surface of a regular tetrahedron 2006-12-29
Cassie pose la question :
Iago the Insect lives on the surface of a regular tetrahedron with edges of length 4 inches. He wants to travel on the surface from the midpoint of one edge to the midpoint of the opposite edge. What is the length of the shortest possible trip for Iago to do this? Two edges in a tetrahedron are opposite if they do not share a common endpoint!
Walter Whiteley lui répond.
The volume of an irregular tetrahedron 2006-12-06
Hai Van pose la question :
Could you please show me the way to calculate the volume of an irregular tetrahedron
Penny Nom lui répond.
What defines a pyramid? 2006-04-25
Julie and son pose la question :
My son and I think that a pyramid can have any number of sides, but my son's teacher says a pyramid has just 4 sides (including the base). Who's right?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
I want to place four sticks equal distance apart into a tennis ball. 2005-12-13
Bev pose la question :
I want to place four sticks equal distance apart into a 3 inch tennis ball. The circumference of the ball is 9 inches. Where should I place the sticks and how many inches apart.
Chris Fisher lui répond.
The volume of a tetrahedron 2004-02-03
Joseph pose la question :

How do I calculate the volume of a bird tetrahedron. I'm trying to find out to get extra credit. I came with this idea while making a origami tetrahedron.


P.S. Do you by any chance have instructions for orig ami figures. If you do, please send me some. Thanks!

Penny Nom lui répond.
The volume of an irregular tetrahedron 2003-11-24
Peter pose la question :
How do I calculate the volume of an irregular shaped tetrahedron where:-
side a = 1.4 m
side b = 1.4 m
side c = 1.2 m
and height = 0.75 m at the junction of sides a and b.

Penny Nom lui répond.
A triangular pyramid 2001-05-14
Kumar pose la question :
In a Pyramid OABC, all the three sides of the base: a, b, c are known. Also known are the angles between the three sides from the vertex O: Angles AOB, BOC, COA.

With this information, is it possible to calculate the lengths of the three sides: OA, OB & OC.
Chris Fisher lui répond.

The bond angles of a tetrahedral polygon 2001-03-14
Nishi pose la question :
how do i prove (a simply as possible) why the bond angles of a tetrahedral polygon are 109.5 degrees? *i already have two explanations that i don't understand. one is about "theory of dot products" and "vectors" and a hook-like symbol w/ a cosine, and the other has an incomprhensible diagram w/ difficult notation- PLEASE BE SIMPLE! thanks sooo much
Harley Weston lui répond.
Triakis 2001-02-17
Anne Grant pose la question :
I am a grade 8 teacher and have come across the term "Triakis" used with Tetrahedron, octahedron, and hexahedron. What does this term refer to, and what's the difference between a triakis polyhedron and one that is not?

I'd also like to know what is meant by the term antiprism, as opposed to prism.

Penny Nom lui répond.
Cannonballs 1999-01-27
Roger King pose la question :
How many cannonballs can be stacked in a triangular pyramid?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Platonic Solids Surface Area 1998-12-02
Rachel Bidwell pose la question :
How do you find the surface area of the 5 platonic solids, when they each have a volume of one cubic inch
Harley Weston lui répond.
A tetrahedron inscribed in a cube 1998-11-18
Jane pose la question :
In analyzing a cube, I would like to find a tetrahedron inscribed in the cube which has none of its faces in the planes of the faces of the cube. I would like to see this tetrahedron outlined in the cube.

My name is Jane and my e-mail address is BARSOIAN. I am an elementary education student.
Walter Whiteley lui répond.

Three Spheres 1997-01-14
Alan Schnerch pose la question :
Three spheres of diameter 2 are placed on a level surface so that each sphere touches the other two. A fourth sphere, also of diameter 2, is placed on top of the other three so that it touches all of the other spheres. The distance from the level surface to the highest point of the top sphere is . . ..
Chris Fisher and Harley Weston lui répond.
What is the volume of a regular tetrahedron? 1996-10-21
Paul Bleier pose la question :
How does one calculate the volume and the height of a three sided pyramid formed by equilateral triangles?
Bruce Gilligan lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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