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Secondaire -La gestion des données et les mathématiques pour les consommateurs
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Nous avons trouvé 38 articles correspondant à votre recherche.
Frieze Designs in Indigenous Art
In this article Judi and Harley illustrate the seven frieze patterns using art of the indigenous peoples of North America. They then develope some of the mathematics of frieze patterns at a level that is accessible to many students. The teacher notes contain activities with frieze patterns for students at all levels.
Games from the Aboriginal People of North America
This is a collection of Aboriginal games that teachers can use to integrate culture into Mathematics lessons. The mathematical content includes patterns and relations, probability, data management, numbers and operations, problem solving, critical thinking, and geometry. Students will have fun with the games while they apply their mathematical knowledge.
Get Into Line (HTML ou PDF)
This Stewart Resource unit covers many topics some of which are basics of graphing, linear equations, characteristics of a line, arithmetic sequences and series and more. Seven sub-units with lessons are presented with objectives, evaluation ideas and procedures for each.
In Preparing for Football Games, Nothing is Left to Chance
This one of the articles in the twelth edition of Ideas and Resources for Teachers of Mathematics, a newsletter published by the Saskatchewan Mathematics Teachers' Society. In this article Rick and Nick, faculty members at the University of Regina, present a coach's preparation for a football game as an exercise in data management.
Recensement à l’école - Rapport entre les variables (HTML ou PDF)
Existe-t-il un rapport entre deux variables? Découvrez comment la réponse à cette question peut varier selon la taille et les variables contrôlées de l’échantillon choisi.
Summer Short Courses
This note is in the twelth edition of Ideas and Resources for Teachers of Mathematics, a newsletter published by the Saskatchewan Mathematics Teachers' Society. It announces some short courses to be offered in Saskatoon in the Summer of 2000.
The Wave
This one of the articles in thetwelth edition of Ideas and Resources for Teachers of Mathematics, a newsletter published by the Saskatchewan Mathematics Teachers' Society. This article outlines gathering data from a simulated "sports stadium wave" and then using this data to generate a linear function to predict the duration of the wave from the number of people involved.
What are real world applications of trigonometry?
Students often ask where they will ever use trigonometry or why they need to study it. This note contains a use of trigonomerty in two areas where its use might be unexpected. One situation involves an artisan who needs the dimensions for a metal sculpture he is constructing and the second a homeowner who is disputing her property assessment.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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