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Nous avons trouvé 68 articles correspondant à votre recherche.
Jabberwocky: A Lake and Island Board Project (HTML ou PDF)
A mathematical role play using Lake and Island Boards where students plan to move from Jabberwocky to their new planet "New Jabberwocky". Activities included discussions and analysis about climate, population, distance, area and perimeter.
Let's Celebrate 100 Days! (HTML ou PDF)
Here's an interesting way to incorporate real math into your daily morning activities. Begin with the first day of school and end, with a celebration, on the 100th day of the school year.
Literature Corner
This one of the articles in the seventh edition of Ideas and Resources for Teachers of Mathematics, a newsletter published by the Saskatchewan Mathematics Teachers' Society. The theme of this issue is patterning and algebra and in her article Jo identifies a number of books related to goemetry that could be used to integrate literature and mathematics.
Manipulatives for the Upper Elementary (Gr. 4-6)
This resource is a collection of manipulative activities for the upper elementary grades (Gr. 4-6). They consist of one activity for each of the three grades and for each of 7 different manipulatives; Geometric Solids, Base Ten Blocks, Geoboards, Colour Tiles, Tangrams and Blocks & Cubes.
Master Teaching Award in Mathematics
This note appears in the twelth edition of Ideas and Resources for Teachers of Mathematics, a newsletter published by the Saskatchewan Mathematics Teachers' Society. It announces a master teachin award and contains an application form.
Math and Writing
A librarian wrote to Quandaries and Queries inquiring about teaching resources for incorporating writing into mathematics. In this response Walter and Rick supply some references.
Math Interviews
This is an article in the eighth edition of Ideas and Resources for Teachers of Mathematics, a newsletter published by the Saskatchewan Mathematics Teachers' Society. The topic of the eighth edition of the newsletter is "Real World Problem Solving" and in this article Angie explains, with examples, how she has her elementary students interview their parents on their use of mathematics.
Math Labs (HTML ou PDF)
A description of how two teachers set up an elementary math lab.
Math on the Farm
This article discusses some of the many ways in which math is used in agriculture. It considers specific agriculture processes, as well as a variety of math concepts.
Mayan Numerals
Studying Mayan Numerals makes a good connection between Math and Social Studies. Lessons on Mayan Numerals can be designed for a wide range of ages. For the primary grades it may be fun to look at this concept using shells, pebbles, and stones. This will help the students learn about place values, and the sorting and collection of different objects. For grades 4 - 6 manipulatives may also be used and then the students can go on to try some problems on their own (suggested exercises given). A Mayan Numerals lesson would also lend nicely to teaching about time and the cycle of a year.
Measurement: An Elementary Resource List (HTML ou PDF)
A collection of elementary measurement resources compiled by students in a senior education mathematics class taught by Vi Maeers at the University of Regina.
Money Talks: Canadian Money
Money Talks is one of the resources from the Stewart Resource Center. It contains two to three weeks of lessons on money at the grades three and four levels . Included are lessons, suggestions for on-going activities, support materials and resources.
Money Unit for Grade Five (HTML ou PDF)
A Money Unit developed for Grade 5 includes Math, Integration,and Learning center activities, bulletin board ideas, suggested teacher resources and evaluation sections. Activites are tied back to the Saskatchewan Education Mathematics Curriculum Guide (Elementary) with Strands, Topics and CELS covered within the unit.
Mr. Z's Five Minute Game of Geometric Pandemonium
This is an article in the sixth edition of Ideas and Resources for Teachers of Mathematics, a newsletter published by the Saskatchewan Mathematics Teachers' Society. The topic of the fifth edition of the newsletter is geometry. Mr. Z describes an activity that he uses to help students remember the definitions of geometric shapes.
Networks as a Problem Solving Technique
This note describes a situation which is familiar to students and constructs a mathematical model. A feature of this activity is that the problem described does not have a unique solution. Finding different solutions requires that the students have a good understanding of the problem, and different methods of solution provide an ideal opportunity for classroom discussion.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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