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12 articles trouvés pour ce sujet.
La somme des «N» premiers nombres naturels impairs 2007-10-09
Dominique pose la question :
Quelle expression algebrique représente la somme des «N» premiers nombres naturels impairs ?
Claude Tardif lui répond.
Matched pairs 2017-12-13
Lin pose la question :

Imagine you and your 4 study group partners are interested in whether all
those hours you spent together working on statistics problems for midterm
exam 2 actually helped your group's performance on that exam relative to its
performance on the first midterm exam. Suppose the first and second midterm
grades were as follows:
Is there sufficient evidence (at a = :05) to conclude that the group performed
better on midterm 2? Please provide all your calculations.

  midterm 1 midterm 2
A 25 28
B 20 19
C 15 21
D 16 25
E 20 22

Penny Nom lui répond.
Three chickens weighed in pairs 2015-09-01
Shelly pose la question :
My son brought home a problem of 3 chickens of different weights listing their weights in different groupings of 2. We are to determine the weight of all three together. I think it's a ratio problem, but I am too far removed to formulate a plan to teach him how to solve it.
Robert Dawson and Penny Nom lui répond.
Points on the x-axis 2015-03-14
Justin pose la question :
jamie tells her friend that ordered pairs that have an x-coordinate of O line x-axis. She used the origin as an example. Describe Janine error. Use a counterexample to explain why Janine statement is false
Penny Nom lui répond.
Scheduling meetings with pairs of people 2015-01-22
Jacey pose la question :
I am trying to figure out a formula/system to pair up a list of people so they meet with each other every month, but they rotate who they meet with. Right now I have 13 people and I would like to just type in their names and then have the system put each person with someone else every month and rotate so no one gets the same person twice. Can this be done?
Victoria West lui répond.
Ordered pairs 2007-05-09
chasity pose la question :
a teacher wishes to schedule a quiz during part of a two-hour class. the equation 1+e=120 can be used to find the available lecture time "1" given that "e" minutes are planned for the quiz. determine the ordered pairs that satisfy the equation if the domain is {20,30,45,60}
Penny Nom lui répond.
The point slope form of a line 2004-10-26
Jack pose la question :
Given a set of ordered pairs, ie (1,1) (2,4) (3,7), how does one determine the rule f(n) other than by trial and error
Penny Nom lui répond.
Three numbers are added in pairs 2004-02-12
Jane pose la question :
When three numbers are added in pairs, the sums of the pairs are 22, 39, and 45. What are the three numbers?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Pairing boys and girls 2004-02-01
Terri pose la question :
Suppose 7 boys and 7 girls are assigned to work in pairs of one boy and one girl. Explain what equation can be used and how you would use a simpler problem to solve these types of questions.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Pairs of prime numbers 2003-10-13
Nikolas pose la question :
Use pairs of prime numbers to find all the numbers less than 50 that have only two prime factors. Make an organized list.
Penny Nom lui répond.
A sequence of number pairs 2002-01-10
Terry pose la question :
Three is the first number of a pair, and 8 is the second.

a. If 50 is the first number, what is the second number?
b. If 200 is the first number, what is the second number?
c. If 89 is the second number, what is the first number?
d. If a number n is the first number, what is the second number?


Peny Nom lui répond.
12 pairs playing bridge 2001-11-09
Diana pose la question :
I have 12 pairs playing bridge against one another for 12 games. I need to have each pair partnered with another pair -- but only once. I'm looking for a schedule for play for all 12 games. They should only be able to play against another team only once also. (ex: 1/2 v 3/4 then 4/2 v 3/1) Thank you for this opportunity to solve my dilemma.
Claude Tardif lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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