4 articles trouvés pour ce sujet.
Application surjective |
1999-09-30 |
Charass pose la question : je suis étudiant en premiere année de deug et je cherche apres une definition si vous pouviez m'aider, ça serait sympa. qu'est ce qu une application subjective? Claude Tardif lui répond. |
A function which is onto but not one-to-one |
2017-04-16 |
Avinash pose la question : Define a function f(x):N-->N which is onto but not one-one.Where N is set of natural numbers. Penny Nom lui répond. |
A tunnel from Toronto to Montreal |
2010-01-25 |
Dave pose la question : I want to make a tunnel from Toronto to Montreal (for example)
Something like this
My coordinates are 45.442455,-73.861340 (Montreal) and 43.442455, -79.861340 (Toronto)
I need to know how to find arc distance, chord distance and radius
What websites can i find for this subject
Google has many but they are useless (blah blah) websites
Thanks Chris Fisher and Robert Dawson lui répond. |
A function that is onto but not one-to-one where f:N-->N |
2002-12-06 |
Lisa pose la question : A function that is onto but not one-to-one where f:N-->N Penny Nom lui répond. |