6 articles trouvés pour ce sujet.
Traduction |
1999-09-27 |
Beatrice pose la question : Pouvez-vous me traduire en anglais les terms ci-dessous? - Intrégration ensembliste
- Espaces vectoriels normés
- Traitement statistique du signal
- Equations aux dérivées partielles
- ...
Claude Tardif lui répond. |
English |
2004-05-27 |
Chang pose la question : well my question is i was told by most of the teachers that ''think in english'' is the best way to learn english but how can i do like that do i need to know about the stucture first or do i need to learn the western culture ?
here is a sentence i have translate directly from my mother language.'' i was given an admiration of sincerity from this client on the follow up action i have done in the complaint. Claude Tardif lui répond. |
Writing in the math curriculum |
2001-04-23 |
Wendy pose la question : I am trying to incorporate more writing into my math curriculum. I am currently using journals and activities which involve written explanations. Any new ideas on how to involve my students more in the writing process in math class? Walter Whiteley lui répond. |
English to french maths words translators |
1999-09-22 |
Steph Keeley pose la question : Can you foward be any information re English to french maths words translators, as i am having problems finding one. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Unit conversions |
1999-04-20 |
Deanna pose la question : My question has to do with unit conversions with English and metric systems. I need to know how to use conversion factors with powers of 10. Which way do i move my decimal point. ex. .48kl to liters. Thank you. Jack LeSage lui répond. |
Math and Writing |
1999-01-21 |
Nancy Waite pose la question : This may not be an inquiry for this particular service, but we are searching for teacher resources incorporating writing into mathematics. With the new state math frameworks, our district is emphasizing using the writing process to develop thinking skills in math. We are gathering available resources in this area so we can begin formulating a plan to incorporate writing skills into the mathematics curriculum. Walter Whiteley and Rick Seaman lui répond. |