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Math Olympics 1999-01-19
Kim Brandson pose la question :
I am trying to put on a Math Olympics for K-5 students in my district. Any ideas? Resources? Suggestions?
Jack LeSage lui répond.
Fitting a Curve 1999-01-19
Kirk pose la question :
Hello my name is Kirk from Scarborough, Ontario.

I have been out of a formal education system for thirty years. I program microcontrollers in my spare time. I have built a temperature sensing device ready to go but, thermistors are very non-linear. I do know that there is a way to calculate the input condition of the thermistor and display the correct temperature in degrees C. I am sending a file to show my progression so far.
Harley Weston lui répond.

Graphing the Derivative 1999-01-18
Milena Ghebre pose la question :
This question has been nagging me for sometime now.

Is there a way of finding out the derivative of a function, just by looking at the graph of it?
Walter Whiteley lui répond.

Calculus 1999-01-16
Kaylea Rankin pose la question :
Differentiate the following.

y = 1 /(2+3/x)
Jack LeSage and Penny Nom lui répond.

Linear Equations 1999-01-16
Casie Tomney pose la question :
My dad and I have been trying to figure, how to solve for x on any of these problems my teacher gives us. The problem is:

2h/3 + 1/2 = 5h/6 - 3/4

Jack LeSage lui répond.

Turning Fractions into Decimals 1999-01-16
Lynn pose la question :
How do you do it step by step
Jack LeSage lui répond.
Levers 1999-01-13
Lane Campbell pose la question :
1. Solve for x or y.


<-----4m------><------4m-----><---------xm ---------> 
^             ^               ^                     ^
25N          5N               ^                    15N 

Jack LeSage lui répond.
Maths 1999-01-11
Stephane Roissard pose la question :
Soit ABC un triangle dans lequel les trois médianes sont de meme longueur. Montrer que ce triangle est quilatéral.
Jack LeSage lui répond.
Patterns 1999-01-07
Melis Kalay pose la question :
I'm confused about questions like these:

1. 2by2by2 cube:

If this cube was painted blue on the outside,

  • how many cubes would have 3 blue faces
  • 2 blue faces
  • 1 blue face
  • 0 blue faces

Jack LeSage and Penny Nom lui répond.
Absolute value of i 1999-01-06
Wayne Bagley pose la question :
I would like to know what is the absolute value of i. I need an answer suitable for the secondary level.
Harley Weston lui répond.
Place Value 1999-01-05
Reg pose la question :
I work in a Section 27 classroom with various grades. I am looking for assistance on how to deliver a lesson on place value:decimal numbers keeping in mind that they need to see it (visual) to comprehend. I am looking for grade 4-6 level.
Jack LeSage lui répond.
A handshake problem 1999-01-05
Nick Lam pose la question :
There are 40 people at a party. 1 host couple, a mom and her daughter. There are 19 other guest couples, composed of moms and their daughters. The Host couple shakes hands with everyone except each other. Each guest mom shakes hands with everyone but their own daughter. Each guest daughter shakes hands with everyone except their own mom. A hand shake between two people is considered to be one handshake. HOW MANY HANDSHAKES ARE THERE?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Pythagorean theorem research project 1998-12-31
Mohammed Hasan pose la question :
Hi my name is Mohammed Hasan. I am a math honors student in 8th grade. I have to do a research project in math. The only problem is that I have to do the research project at a 10th grade level. I am having trouble raising the project at a tenth grade level. Would you please kindly take your time to give me some tips and web sites that will help me raise the Pythagorean theorem to a 10th grade level.
Jack LeSage and Walter Whiteley lui répond.
Geometry patterns lesson plans 1998-12-31
Vicki pose la question :
hi,,, my name is Vicki and I am a new 5th grade teacher....

Anyway, I'm supposed to come up with a lesson plan to

  • Explore patterns that result from cominations of "reflections, rotations, and translations of geometric figures.
The plan is to include:
  • writing/metacognition, assessment strategies, interdisciplanary connections, supplemental materials, or textbook, and Bloom's taxonomy level.
Any help you could give would be greatly appreciated.

Jack LeSage lui répond.

The area of a triangle 1998-12-26
Elysia pose la question :
How do you figure the square inches of a triangle?
Harley Weston lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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