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Two Quadratics 1999-10-08
Jason On pose la question :
Solve the following equations,expressing solutions in the form p + iq.
  1. sqr(x) + 2x - 1 = 0,
  2. sqr(x) + 2x - 3 = 0.

Harley Weston lui répond.
A sum of two squares 1999-10-08
Marksmen pose la question :
what is the smallest whole number that can be written two ways as a sum of two different perfect squares? i.e.11squared plus 3 squared is 121+ 9=130 and7 squared + 9squared=49 +81= 130. Are there any smaller? I am stumped!
Claude Tardif lui répond.
sin x = x/10 1999-10-07
Amandeep Grover pose la question :
Solve the equation sin x = x/10
Harley Weston lui répond.
A trig limit 1999-10-06
Yannick Gigandet pose la question :
What is the limit, as x approaches pi/3, of (1-2cosx) / sin(x-(pi/3)) ?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Palindrome 1999-10-06
Chris Ware pose la question :
What is a non paladromic number?
Claude Tardif lui répond.
Logic and mathematical logic 1999-10-06
Polly Mackenzie pose la question :
What is the difference between logic and math logic?
Walter Whiteley lui répond.
A googol 1999-10-06
Kevin Brennan pose la question :
describe to me a guegoll is that how u spell it?

it sounds like that
Penny Nom lui répond.

Common factors 1999-10-06
Tommygirl98 pose la question :
Ok I have a question about common factoring I'm not to sure if you could help me but it's worth a try here it goes. Ok I have a test on Friday and i'm having trouble understanding how to do it here's an example,

-10 + 2b how do you do it and what do they mean by factor?
Penny Nom lui répond.

La longueur des segments formant un triangle 1999-10-05
Michel Provencher pose la question :
Connaissant la longueur des segments formant un triangle,comment détermine-t-on chacun de ses angles si:
  1. il S'agit d'un triangle rectangle

    Sachant que la somme des angles d'un triangle est de 180 degrés et sachant par conséquant qu'un des angle est de 90 degrés (triangle rectangle) il reste donc, 90 degrés à partager entre les 2 angles restant. Si les 2 segments formant l'angle droit sont de même longueur on obtient un angle de 45 degrés pour les angles restant soit 1/2 angle droit ce qui ne me pose évidement aucun problème. Quel relation, S'il y en a une, y a t-il entre la longueur de ces 2 segments et les angles restants.

  2. il S'agit d'un triangle quelconque

Claude Tardif lui répond.
The circumference of a circle 1999-10-05
Mara Frost pose la question :
what is the formula to find the circumference of a circle, or if there is no formula, how do you find the circumference of a circle?
Penny Nom lui répond.
towers of cubes 1999-10-05
Sanker pose la question :
I need help to solve this Rules for bulding towers of cubes
rule 1 The number of cubes on the bottom layer is always one less than the number of squares on the grid
rule 2 Each new layer is made with one cube less than the layer underneath it.
  1. Investigate how many different arrangements there are of 4 cubes on top of 5 cubes on a two by three grid

  2. investigate the number of different arrangements of six cubes on top of seven cubes on a two by four grid

  3. investigate the relation between the number of arrangements of cubes and the size of the grid
    • when there are two layers of cubes
    • when there are more than two layers of cubes

Walter Whiteley lui répond.
Regular and irregular shapes 1999-10-03
Samuel Tighe pose la question :
What is the difference between a regular shape and an irregular shape? Are a rectangle and a triangle regular or irregular shapes?
Walter Whiteley lui répond.
Percentage increase 1999-10-03
Ann Allen pose la question :
I am a a student in the 12th grade. I need to know how to calclulate the following: A percentage increase from 2.0% to 9.5% is what percentage?
Harley Weston lui répond.
Two limits 1999-10-02
Jennifer pose la question :
How do I find

lim (1-cosx)/(x^2) as x-> 0


lim (tan3x)/x as x->0
Harley Weston lui répond.

A donkey and his carrots - part 2 1999-10-02
Sarah Klink and Brenda Gamble pose la question :
Does anyone know the solution of the donkey who had to carry 3000 carrots to the market which was 1000 miles away? The donkey can only carry 1000 carrots at a time and he eats one carrot every mile he walks but this is only when he is carrying carrots. How many carrots can get to the market with the donkey carrying them?
Claude Tardif lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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