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Your DJ Business 2001-05-30
Linda pose la question :
Your DJ Business has 6 rap, 10 rock, 6 alternative, 8 oldies, and 5 country CD singles. How many different 10-song sets can the DJ play, if she plays 2 singles from each category? and How many different 10-song sets if she plays exactly 3 rap singles and 4 rock singles in each set?
Leeanne Boehm lui répond.
Jim's poker game 2001-05-24
Nick and Karnal pose la question :
One day jim played poker with some of his friends and lost half his money.the number of dollars he had before the game was the same as the number of cents he had after the game, and the no of cents he had before the game was twice as much as the number of dollars he had after the game.how much money did he have before thegame???

Later that day jim met a friend Al on the street."hi al!Do u have any change on you al?""yes"
"Good!can u give me a change of a dollar?" "I am afraid not!"
"Then give me change of 50 cents.""I am sorry i cant."
"how about a change of a quarter?""not possible."
"a dime."
"also not"
"a nickel?"
"not even that."

al had no bills or silver dollars on him.whats the largest amount of cash he could have had? hope u can help me.

Penny Nom lui répond.
Pi 2001-05-24
Mary pose la question :
Where does the term pi come from and how many digits are actually in pi?
Penny Nom lui répond.
New Quebec reform 2001-05-24
Marie-Andrée pose la question :
I am a middle school teacher beginning to adapt to the new Quebec reform. I am regularely doing projects in écologie and géographie in French immersion based on the international schools way of thinking (What form does it have? How does it work? What is its history? How does it change? How is it linking to our lives? What is our responsibility about that fact or that thing?) and I have real difficulty to make it work for math. So now, I am looking for math concepts (8) which would link to the same way of thinking. What are your suggestions?
Claude Tardif lui répond.
SPRT 2001-05-24
A researcher pose la question :
I have a medical-pharmaceutical study that says:

SPRT (something to do with Secuential and Truncated).

Do You know what it means S.P.R.T. and what it is?

Ejaz Ahmed and Penny Nom lui répond.
The diameter of an oval 2001-05-23
Tim pose la question :
Is there a such thing as a diameter of a oval? If not, is there a way to get the circumference?
Claude Tardif and Penny Nom lui répond.
Harmonic numbers 2001-05-23
Leslie pose la question :
The harmonic numbers Hk, k = 1,2,3.....are defined by Hk = 1 + 1/2 + 1/3....1/k

I am trying to prove by mathematical induction:

H2n >= 1 + n/2 , whenever n is a nonnegative integer.

H8 = H23 >= 1 + 3/2

Can you help?

Harley Weston lui répond.
How many sides does a circle have? 2001-05-16
Georganne pose la question :
How many sides does a circle have?
My son answered "infinate" on a test and was corrected. The school insists the answer is 0.

Chris Fisher and Denis Hanson lui répond.
A 6 character field 2001-05-16
A parent pose la question :
I have a 6 character field that can use any combination of alpha-numeric characters (A-Z, 0-9). How many total combinations are possible?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Quadratics 2001-05-16
John pose la question :
I am in the final stages of a math project and I need to interview an expert for the last part. Please try to answer at least a few of these questions.
  1. How do you use quadratic equations in your everyday life?
  2. Do you find being a math expert very helpful in life?
  3. Is the quadratic equation useful to you?
  4. Why did you decide to become a math expert?
  5. What do you think is the most important function of the quadratic equation?

Harley Weston lui répond.
25 y^2 + 20 y z - 4 z^2 2001-05-15
Kimmy pose la question :
i don't know how to factor the trinomial 25y2 + 20yz - 4z2. I can get it, but i get messed up on getting the minus 4 at the end. all i get is a plus 4. Can it even be factored.
Penny Nom lui répond.
A pile of sand 2001-05-14
Gul pose la question :
  1. Sand for use on icy roads is stored in a conical pile 14.2 m high and with a base diameter of 34.4 m
    • calculate the volume of the pile

    • if one sander can take 6.9 m of sand, how many sanders can be filled from the pile?

Penny Nom lui répond.
A triangular pyramid 2001-05-14
Kumar pose la question :
In a Pyramid OABC, all the three sides of the base: a, b, c are known. Also known are the angles between the three sides from the vertex O: Angles AOB, BOC, COA.

With this information, is it possible to calculate the lengths of the three sides: OA, OB & OC.
Chris Fisher lui répond.

Manifolds 2001-05-14
Thierry pose la question :
Maybe you could help me, because I have serious problems for the translations of an English mathematic word which is "MANIFOLD". It's impossible to have a clear translation in French. Do you have a solution?
Claude Tardif lui répond.
Toy bricks 2001-05-13
Sarah pose la question :
A regular-sized brick weighs 4 kilograms. How much will a similar toy brick, made of the same material, but all of the same dimensions of which are four times smaller, weigh?

The 300-metre tall Eiffel tower is made of steel and weighs 8 000 000 kg. An exact replica, made of the same material, weighs 1 kg. How high is the replica

Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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