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Election in Angletown 2001-06-07
Zoe pose la question :
At the last school election in Angletown 4620 votes were cast. Candidate Acute received 236 more votes than Candidate Obtuse. Candidate Right received 698 votes more than Candidate Acute. Candidate Straight received 256 votes less than Candidate Right. How many votes did each receive?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Buying a car 2001-06-06
Steph pose la question :
How do you figure a percent. Say you want to buy a car listed for 21,500. You tell the dealer you want to pay 19,600. The dealer says they'll sell it to you for 20,450. how do you figure what the percent is between 20,450 & 19,600?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Danging couples 2001-06-06
Danielle pose la question :
How many boy-girl dancing couples could be formed if 85 boys and 102 girls attend a school dance?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Exponential form 2001-06-06
A student pose la question :
Hello can u please answer my question what is the exponent form of 8x8x8x8
Penny Nom lui répond.
Securing a plank in four dimensions 2001-06-06
Becca pose la question :
If it takes two nails to secure a plank from rotating on a wall in the third spatial dimension, how many nails would it take if you were attempting to secure the board from rotating in the fourth spatial dimension?
Walter Whiteley lui répond.
Mutually exclusive 2001-06-05
Marje pose la question :
What does the mathmatical term "mutually exclusive" mean. Pleas diagram if possible.
Penny Nom lui répond.
The shortest distance from a point to a line 2001-06-05
Kat pose la question :
Find the shortest distance from the given line. Round to the nearest tenth. (-2,-1) and x+5y+20=0
Penny Nom lui répond.
Where is the other $1? 2001-06-05
Samantha pose la question :
3 people go to a motel. The room is $30. They split it $10 each. While in the room the Mgr. tells the clerk the room was only $25, so he gives her $5 to take back to the 3 people. On the way she cant decide how to split the $5 between the three people so she puts $2 in her pocket and gives them $1 each.....Therefore, the room now only cost the three people $9 each, which is $27 plus the $2 the clerk pocketed,making a total of $29.....Where is the other $1?
Leeanne Boehm lui répond.
Two jugs 2001-06-04
Heather pose la question :
One goes to a source of water with two jugs and only two jugs. One jug had a capacity of exactly three pints and the other five pints. Both jugs are opaque (you canít see inside them) and irregularly shaped. How can you use the two jugs and only the two jugs to measure exactly four pints of water?
Harley Weston lui répond.
Conservation, consumption and population growth 2001-06-04
Steve pose la question :
I'm trying to quantify the relation between conservation/consumption and population growth. For instance let's consider California:

The 2000 census states that California's population grew from 29,760* in 4-1990 to 33,871 in 4-2000. I want to find r or rate of growth per year. Based on the exponential growth formula for population growth:

Penny Nom lui répond.
Common solution 2001-06-02
Samantha pose la question :
  1. Solve for common solution: x+y=6 2x-3y=2

  2. Solve for y in terms of x: 3x-y=4

Penny Nom lui répond.
Four digit numbers from 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 2001-05-31
Katie pose la question :
Okay.......here's my question...how many different ways can you form a four digit number out of these digits..1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8? This is how my teacher said to do this.... 8*8, 7*7,6*6,5*5,4*4,3*3,2*2,1*1. then she said to add up the products and to multiply by 7. is this correct, and if not how can you figure this out.
Penny Nom and Claude Tardif lui répond.
Chickens and sheep 2001-05-31
Monica pose la question :
Farmer Bob of the Martian Colony counted his sheep and chickens in an unusual way. When he finished, he reported that he had counted 86 feet and 26 heads. Use a guess and check table to find how many sheep and chickens are owned by the famer.
Paul Betts and Penny Nom lui répond.
Three goldfish 2001-05-30
Nathan pose la question :
A man has three goldfish. When the youngest goldfish was born, the oldest fish was three times the middle fish's age. Nine years ago the oldest fish's age was the sum of the two other fish's ages. How old are the three goldfish?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Multiplication 2001-05-30
Lindsay pose la question :
Who came up with multipling? its so easy
Claude Tardif and Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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