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Bisecting angles 2001-08-27
Monica pose la question :
Ray QS is the bisector for angle PQR. Find the measure of angle PQS and PQR if the measure of angle SQR is 52 degrees.
Penny Nom lui répond.
A sequence 2001-08-25
Sharon pose la question :

What would be the next sequence of numbers? my name is sharon i work in customer service and a friend asked me to solve this.

Walter Whiteley lui répond.
Vertices 2001-08-08
Jordan pose la question :
I am a fifth grader learning geometry with my mom's help, can you please explain what a vertices are??
Penny Nom lui répond.
Fourier transform 2001-08-07
Adbul pose la question :
  1. Sir, we have the Dirichlet's condition for the Fourier transform : " The function should be integral over the real line " But why we are we neglecting this for example when we take the Fourier transform of an impulse train?

  2. Suppose we want to travel from one corner of a square of side 'a' to the diagonally opposite corner. We can travel along the sides which gives a pah length of '2a'. We can also do it in steps as shown below:

      _ | |_PATH |   |_ |_____| 

    Suppose The step size =DELTA x Then the path length will be again '2a'. Now in the limit DELTA x -->0 again we get '2a' But when we take the limit we get the straight line diagonal whose length is 'SQRT(2)X a' Where did I go wrong?

Chris Fisher lui répond.
How far does the fly fly? 2001-08-07
Harold pose la question :
6 MPH                            4 MPH 
Rachel  ----------------------     Eli                        
                  10 Miles apart  

The fly is on Rachels handlebars. The fly is scared so it flys back and forth at 20 MP H. How far has the fly flown when Rachel and Eli meet?


Penny Nom lui répond.
Standard angles 2001-08-05
Nagaraj pose la question :
Why 0o , 30o , 45o , 60o ,and 90o are taken as standard angles in Trigonometry? Why can't we take some other angles as standard angles?
Chris Fisher lui répond.
Conformable matrices 2001-08-05
Wayne pose la question :
Can someone explain the concept of conformable matrices in a way that is easy to understand ? One definition says to multiply matrices rows and columns must conform, ie, 5 x 3 matrix times a 3 x 5 matrix. In the next example, however a 8 x 1 matrix and a 8 x 3 matrix are said to be conformable!
Steve Kirkland lui répond.
Linear regression 2001-08-01
A student and a mother pose la question :
My mom is taking a correspondence course in Simple Linear Regression and Correlation Analysis and we've been arguing about the relationship between the correlation -rxy and standard estimate of error-Sy.x. I took statistics last year in high school and I remember something about the Sy.x being proportionate to the r. Are they inversely related, directly related, not related, or can only range from 0 to 1.00? Her book doesn't say very much and I believe they are inversely related. She says they're directly related.
Chris Fisher and Penny Nom lui répond.
Intersection of perpendicular cylindrical surfaces 2001-07-31
Charlie pose la question :
Please consider two right circular cylinders, perpendicular one to the other, and of unlike radii in a 3 dimensional Cartesian space with mutually perpendicular x,y,z axes. If one cylinder is centered on the y axis with radius ra, and the other on the z axis with radius rb, then the expression for the first surface would be x2 + z2 = ra2, y = any number. Likewise, the second cylinder's surface would be x2 + y2 = rb2, z = any number.

It is my intent to define the curve at the intersection of these two cylindrical surfaces. From sketching the conditions it appears that this intersection resembles an ellipse folded about its minor axis.

Chris Fisher lui répond.
The radius of a planet 2001-07-30
Jessica pose la question :
A satellite is orbiting the earth at an altitude of 100 miles. If the angle of depression from the satellite to the horizon is 50 degrees, what is the radius (to the nearest mile) of the planet?
Harley Weston lui répond.
1996^1999 and 1999^1996 2001-07-29
Rajesh pose la question :
what is greater 19991997 or 19971999?
Chris Fisher lui répond.
The best linear model 2001-07-29
Rebeca pose la question :
I am a student (senior) summer hire working for Dept of the Army Resource Management. I've been assisting the Analyst in developing a model to predict training costs. The technique we used was simple linear regression. Now I've been asked for my opinion in choosing the best model I feel is better. I've chosen #1. Garrison Training but I want a second opinion before I give my choice. I've taken basic statistics last year in high school and will probably be taking more this year. Could you look over the information and give me a reason my choice would not be best? The dep variable-y, is Training costs in dolars per day.

ModelInd Variable- Xabrsy.x
1.Garrison Training126.310.9820.9055117.2
2.Local Training212.161.370.7937142.7
3.Man Rig Area116.382.470.6481175.6
4.Major Training346.124.670.7280167.2

Andrei Volodin lui répond.
e^pi > pi^e 2001-07-27
Dusty pose la question :
What book(s) contain a proof that ePi > Pie? I think it might be in Problems in Analysis published by Springer-Verlag but I have not been able to check.
Chris Fisher lui répond.
A trig identity 2001-07-27
Jeff pose la question :
prove this identity and show steps

Harley Weston lui répond.
Radian measure 2001-07-26
Amy pose la question :
i have to find out what is meant by the radian measure of an angle and compare it to the measure of an angle in degrees.
Harley Weston lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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