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Similar triangles 2001-09-08
Dave pose la question :
I am standing on the bank of a river ( whose banks are parallel here) directly opposite a boathouse, B, on the opposite bank. I walk along the bank of the river past a signpost, S, until I reach a point C distant 60 metres from where I started walking. I then walk away from the bank, at right angles to the bank, until I reach a shady tree at D. Attached to teh tree is a sign stating that this spot is 45 metres from the signpost. C is 36 metres beyond S and B and S are in line from D.

(a) How far did I walk away from the bank of the river??

(b) Calculate the width of the river?

Penny Nom lui répond.
Multiplying binomials 2001-09-08
A student pose la question :
please tell me this question!!

Leeanne Boehm lui répond.
The best of 7 2001-09-08
Michelle pose la question :
Professional basketball, hockey, and baseball championships are decided on the best 4 out of 7 games. The first team to win four games wins the championship. In how many possible ways could the team win the championship series after winning the first game?

Game   1    2    3    4    5     6     7         
Result W    L    L    W    W     W 

Leeanne Boehm lui répond.
Divisibility rules 2001-09-07
A student pose la question :
Why is it that when you add the digits of a number you can tell what the multiples of that number are. Example: 12131313111,


therefore 12131313111 is divisble by 2, 9, 18, & 3 because those numbers are divisble by 18.

Penny Nom lui répond.
Don't worry too much about your difficulties in math... 2001-09-07
Matt pose la question :
Do you know who said,"Don't worry too much about your difficulties in math, I assure you that mine are still greater"? Thanks for your help. this for extra credit and I can't find it ANYWHERE!
Penny Nom lui répond.
0.999999=1? 2001-09-06
Catherine pose la question :
Hi! My teacher told us that 0.9 repeating equals one. We discussed how this is true. But, I was wondering if there is a proof that this is true. If so what is this called? I was trying to find information, but, it's hard when you don't know the name.
Walter Whiteley lui répond.
Commas in numbers 2001-09-06
Mike pose la question :
When did the Ontario Education system drop the use of commas in large numbers and replace with a space? Why?
Walter Whiteley lui répond.
Ray and Jane 2001-09-06
A student pose la question :
If Ray and Jane live 150 miles apart and they both leave their house at the same time, Ray goes 30 mph the whole time and Jane goes 50 mph the whole time how many miles are they from Ray's house when they meet? And what is the exact travel time untl they meet.
Penny Nom lui répond.
I have 6 digits. 2001-09-06
Kristan pose la question :
I have 6 digits. My hundred thousands is 1 less than my 1 digit, 8 greater than my thousands digit, twice my tens digit, and 4 times my hundreds digit. My ten thousands digit is 0. What # am I?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Sharing a donut 2001-09-06
Amanda pose la question :
You have invited 11 people over to your house one day, and your friends are hungry. You go into the kitchen and find out you only have 1 donut (with a hole in the middle). In order to feed 12 people (including you), you must cut the donut into 12 pieces with only using a straight knife and cutting 3 times. This is NOT a trick question.
Claude Tardif lui répond.
Earthquake warning 2001-09-03
Dillon pose la question :
In the city of Skangai there are 6 million people.Each person has to tell 2 more people that theres going to be an earthquake. After they do they leave the city. There will be no duplications.It takes 3 minutes to tell each person. How long will it take for the whole city to know about the earthquake?
Penny Nom lui répond.
72 cards 2001-09-03
A student pose la question :
What would be the probability of dealing a deck of 72 cards out in the exact orderly sequence that they were in when they were packaged after they have been throughly shuffled?
Andrei Volodin lui répond.
Two snakes 2001-08-31
A student pose la question :
Two snakes(pythons,actually)of same size and shape start swallowing each other by the tail with the same speed. What will happen ultimately?
Claude Tardif lui répond.
Joe and his dad 2001-08-28
Sarah pose la question :
Joe Spout left a campsite on a trip down the river in a canoe, traveling at 6 km/h. Four hours later, Joe's father set out after him in a motorboat. The motorboat traveled 30 km/h. How long after Joe`s father started did he overtake the canoe? How far had Joe traveled down the river when his father overtook him?
Leeanne Boehm lui répond.
Water jars 2001-08-27
Pe3te pose la question :
Stacie and Kacie each have a jar. Stacies jar holds 5 quarts of water and Kacies jar holds 3 quarts. The girls dad ask them to go get him some water from the pump and to get him 1 gallon of water (NO MORE NO LESS) The jars were not marked in any way. In ten minutes the girls where back with 1 gallon. How did they get exactly 1 gallon ?

1) there are two ways to do it I only no one. 1st answer is.....

Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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