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Concavity of f(g) 2001-10-25
Troy pose la question :
Suppose f & g are both concave upward on (-infinity,infinity). Under what condition on f will the composite function h(x)= f(g(x)) be concave upward?
Walter Whiteley lui répond.
An algebraic fraction 2001-10-25
brandi pose la question :
4x - 5
_____ =4

Penny Nom lui répond.
Metric units 2001-10-25
Kelly pose la question :
i am helping my kids out with school work and don't remember meters,centimeters decimeters and all those. We have to change meters into cm.....and so on..........is there a place on the web to look for some kind of help in these questions
Penny Nom lui répond.
Where is the fourth point? 2001-10-24
Mike pose la question :
Four points are placed at random on a piece of paper. Connect the three points of the triangle of the largest area. What is the possibility that the fourth point is in the triangle?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A geometric series 2001-10-24
Tashalee pose la question :
The sum of the first 3 terms of a geometric series is 13. The sum of their reciprocal is 13/9. how do you find the first three terms?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Minesweeper 2001-10-24
Un eleve pose la question :
J'espere que vous pourrez m'aider. Est ce que vous connaissez un algorithme ou une strategie de resoulutiom pour le jeu du demineur (8x8 avec 10 mines)(Minesweeper).
Claude Tardif lui répond.
Free pamphlets 2001-10-24
Salman pose la question :
a travel agency has limited number of six different free pamphlets about the beetle islands. the agent tells you to take any that you want, but not more than two of any kind. Assuming that you take at least one pamphlet, how many choices could you make
Penny Nom lui répond.
A right angled triangle 2001-10-23
Carissa pose la question :
How do you : Triangle ABC is right-angled at A. Calculate the length of the third side if b = 3 and c = 6, express the answer as a surd in its simplest form.
Harley Weston lui répond.
The distributive law 2001-10-23
Carissa pose la question :
How do you simplify the following using the distributive law :

5 squareroot 2+3 squareroot 2?

Penny Nom lui répond.
A $10,00 prize 2001-10-23
Michelle pose la question :
The grand prize for winning a contest is $10,000. After 28 percent of the prize is deducted for taxes, the winner receives the balance of the prize in annual payouts of equal amounts over a 3-year period. How many dollars will the prizewinner receive each year of the 3 years?(Disregard the $ sign when gridding your answer.)
Penny Nom lui répond.
Squaring the circle 2001-10-23
Margaret pose la question :
I have the following question that I cannot answer on my own (I don't know where to begin): Is it possible construct a square whose area will equal the area of a given circle? Please Explain why or why not.
Penny Nom lui répond.
The average of two polygons 2001-10-23
Irene pose la question :
How can I prove that the average of two polygons will give me another one?
Walter Whiteley lui répond.
Multiplying vectors 2001-10-22
Murray pose la question :
Could you please explain why a vector times a vector is a scalar and how to derive the formula vector a * vector b = ab cos(a,b)
Harley Weston lui répond.
Lines in the plane 2001-10-21
Greg pose la question :

*If the line with equation 3x-4ky= -16 has y-intercept -2, find k.

*Write the equation of the line passing through (2,5) and perpendicular to the line passing through (2,-4) and (6,1)

Penny Nom lui répond.
Water in a conical tank 2001-10-20
Sarah pose la question :
The problem: Water flows into a conical funnel at a continuous rate of one gallon per minute (One gallon = 231 Cu.In.). The height of the funnel is 5" and the diameter is 8".

The 1st formula: I need to develop a formula that will give the volume, in cubic inches, of the water in the funnel at any time t (in seconds). V = f(t).

The 2nd formula: I need to develop a formula that will give the height of the water in the funnel at any time t (in seconds). h = f(t).

Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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