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2=the square root of (2 + the square root of (2 + the square root of (2 +...))) 2001-11-05
Cynthia pose la question :
justify algebreically, that:

2=the square root of 2 + the square root of 2 + the square root of 2 + the square root of 2 + the square root of 2 + and so on, .......

Penny Nom lui répond.
Squares of negative numbers 2001-11-03
Susana pose la question :
I wanted to know if I can square a negative number..?
Leeanne Boehm lui répond.
Applied geometry 2001-11-02
Jenny pose la question :
Where can I find some hands-on activities for my Applied Geometry classes? I want to do more activities with them that allow us to get out of the classroom. However, I want to use activities that use only inexpensive equipment because I usually buy the equipment myself.
Walter Whiteley lui répond.
A lighthouse problem 2001-11-02
A student pose la question :
A lighthouse at apoint P is 3 miles offshore from the nearest point O of a straight beach. A store is located 5 miles down the beach from O. The lighthouse keeper can row at 4 mph and walk at 3.25 mph.

a)How far doen the beach from O should the lighthouse keeper land in order to minimize the time from the lighthouse to the store?

b)What is the minimum rowing speed the makes it faster to row all the way?

Harley Weston lui répond.
15 % of 24.95 2001-11-01
Puzzled pose la question :
How do I take 15% of a number I have forgotten
Penny Nom lui répond.
8w-15 = 3w-10 2001-11-01
A student pose la question :
8w-15=3w-10, w =?????
Paul Betts lui répond.
Division by zero 2001-10-31
Stacy pose la question :
I have a question about dividing with zero. When the numerator is zero, the answer is zero. But when the denominator is zero, the answer is undefined. Why? I don't understand
Claude Tardif lui répond.
(-3)to the power 2, divided by 3 2001-10-31
Raz pose la question :
what is (-3)to the power 2, divided by 3=
Penny Nom lui répond.
m - 8 2001-10-30
Danita pose la question :
Can you please e-mail me the answer to m -8 for m = 20 and how you got the answer
Penny Nom lui répond.
3pi/2 - pi 2001-10-29
Karen pose la question :
I need to simplify this

a) 3pi/2 - pi

Penny Nom lui répond.
A sample size problem 2001-10-28
Charles pose la question :
The U.S Transportation Dept. will randomly sample traffic reports to estimate the proportion of accidents involving people over the age of 70. The Dept. has no advance estimate of this proportion. how many reports should the dept select to be atleast 97% confident that the estimate is within .01 of the true proportion?
Harley Weston lui répond.
Three problems 2001-10-28
Brenda pose la question :
  1. Joseph is planting bushes around the perimeter of his lawn. If the bushes must be planted 4 feet apart and Joseph's lawn is 64 feet wide and 124 feet long, how many bushes will Joseph need to purchase?

  2. The cost of a long distance phone call is $1.50 for the first two minutes and $0.60 for each additional minute. How much will Maria pay for a 24 minute phone call?

  3. Find the next three numbers in the pattern. 1,3,7,15,31,___,____,___.

Penny Nom lui répond.
Is the tree a pine tree? 2001-10-27
Kate pose la question :
Suppose Stock Brokers tell the truth 2/5 of the time, and 1/3 of the trees in a given forest are Pine. If 4 Stock Brokers say that a certain tree in that forest is Pine, what is the probability that the tree is indeed a Pine tree?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Negative times negative is positive 2001-10-26
Mary pose la question :
I have a question about adding and multiplying positive and negative numbers. When we add two negative numbers the answer is negative BUT when we multiply two negative numbers the answer is positive. I don't understand. Why?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Why do you flip the inequality sign? 2001-10-26
Sean pose la question :
I have a question about an inequality problem. Here it is: Solve and graph 5 - 3x => 17. (=> is greater than or equal). Please tell me why you flip the inequality sign when divinding by a negative number.
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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