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Mr.Carter is very cautious 2003-11-26
Bob pose la question :
Mr.Carter is very cautious. He decides to invest in only three stocks: one low stock, one high stock, one medium stock. Given that the expected annual yields are 6% for low stock, 7% for medium stock, and 8% for high stock, he wants his investment in medium stock to be half of his total investment in low and high stock. How much should I invest in each type fo stocks to expect a total annual return fo $650 form my investments?
Harley Weston lui répond.
Area of an equilateral triangle 2003-11-25
Jared pose la question :
Can you help me understand why the area of a equilateral triangle is the square root of 3 divided by 4 times the lenght of the side squared?
Penny Nom lui répond.
An inequality whose solution is all points 2003-11-25
Katie pose la question :

Hi my name is Katie and I am in the 9th grade and I would like help on this question. Is it possible to have a system of inequalities whose solution is all points?

1.I need to know why (explanation)

2.how to do it(example)

Penny Nom lui répond.
The volume of an irregular tetrahedron 2003-11-24
Peter pose la question :
How do I calculate the volume of an irregular shaped tetrahedron where:-
side a = 1.4 m
side b = 1.4 m
side c = 1.2 m
and height = 0.75 m at the junction of sides a and b.

Penny Nom lui répond.
Markup, profit and margin 2003-11-24
Ali pose la question :
I have question regarding Margins, Markups and Profit Purchase price = $ 10.00
Margin or Markup ?? = 40 %
Therefore Selling Price = 10/0.6 = $ 16.67
Profit ? = (16.67-10)/10 *100 = 66.67%
or is the profit = (16.67-10)/16.67*100 = 40 %
Can you please clarify What is Margin, Markup and Profit

Penny Nom lui répond.
Difference of squares 2003-11-24
Susie pose la question :

Factor assuming that n is a positive #

Problem: (I will give it to you in words beacuse I don't know how to do exponents on the computer.) Forty-five r to the 2n power minus five s to the 4n power. I was hoping you could walk me through it not just give me the answer.

Penny Nom lui répond.
An octagon shaped bed frame 2003-11-23
Trish pose la question :
My son and I are making an octagon shaped bed frame. We are going nuts trying to figure out what angle to cut the boards to make an outline of an octagon. It seems that the 8 inside angles of the 8 "corners" are 120*, but what is the angle that the 2x6 wood should be cut so that they will angle together to form the outline of the octagon?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Laws of sines and cosines 2003-11-23
A parent pose la question :
On the one side of a stream lines PA= 586.3 feet, PB = 751.6 feet are measures, angle APB being 167 degrees and 36 min. Q is a point on the opposite side of the stream. Angle PAQ=63 degress and 18 min and PBQ=49 degrees and 24 min. Find PQ.
Penny Nom lui répond.
The volume of a cube 2003-11-22
A student pose la question :
i have a cube, and the line that cuts threough the middle of the cube across to the other side is 4 radical6. what is the volume of the cube?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Aristotle 2003-11-21
John pose la question :

I would like to know how aristotle was related to math.

In all my searches I have found only philosophy etc. But not any math.

Penny Nom lui répond.
AB/AP=AP/PB 2003-11-20
James pose la question :
My name is James McBride. I'm having a difficult time with a pre calculus problem, which goes as follows: "show that AB/AP=AP/PB is equal to (1+5^1/2)/2 (one plus the sqaure root of five with the sum divided by two. I can't do the square root sign, sorry.) I have tried to solve for PB in terms of the other varialbles and then work the quadratic equation. THAT DOES NOT WORK!!!! I am befuddled. Please help me. I am a student of secondary level.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Four digit numbers 2003-11-20
Rob pose la question :
Hello, I sure hope you can answer this question. I got into a discussion at work about how many possible combinations there are for a four digit number using the numbers 0 through 9. This was in reference to a discussion about the lottery. I said there was only 10,000 possible combinations. My friend said that there was many times more, but he could not remember how to figure it out. The answer and the formula would be greatly appreciated.
Penny Nom lui répond.
962 Sq. Ft. is what percent of 2656 Sq. Ft 2003-11-20
Jon pose la question :
962 Sq. Ft. is what percent of 2656 Sq. Ft
Penny Nom lui répond.
4(r-2) = r(2+8) 2003-11-20
Angela pose la question :
I not going to give you the problem that I have, but a problem like it. 4(r-2) = r(2+8) I get mix up trying to solve a problem like this could you help me. So that I will be able to handle the ones on my homework.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Des tables trigonométriques 2003-11-20
Jean-Jacques pose la question :

Je suis à la retraite et en train de mettre à jour mes connaissances en trigonométrie.

On peut facilement trouver les rapports entre les côtés d'un triangle droit ayant des angles secondaires de 30, 45 et 60 degrés, mais comment s'y prend-on pour calculer les rapports entre les côtés d'un triangle droit ayant des angles secondaires de valeurs intermdiaires. En d'autre mot, comment s'y prend-on pour faire le calcul détaillé des tables trigonométriques.

J'ai cherché en vain dans divers textes de géométrie la réponse à cette question. Merci à l'avance pour l'attention que vous porterez à ma requête.

Claude Tardif lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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