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Marie achète un croissant et une tartelette 2004-02-01
M. et Mme Simoneton pose la question :
Marie achète un croissant et une tartelette. Elle paie 1,64 €
Isabelle achète un croissant et un pain au chocolat. Elle paie 1,51 €
Marc achète un poain au chocolat et une tartelette. Elle paie 1,77 €
Trouver le prix d'un croissant, d'une tartelette et d'un pain au chocolat.

Claude Tardif lui répond.
Pairing boys and girls 2004-02-01
Terri pose la question :
Suppose 7 boys and 7 girls are assigned to work in pairs of one boy and one girl. Explain what equation can be used and how you would use a simpler problem to solve these types of questions.
Penny Nom lui répond.
The vertex of a cone 2004-01-29
Richard pose la question :
Please help me explain to my fourth graders as to why a cone has a vertex even though it does not have any straight edges.
Chris Fisher lui répond.
Intersecting a line and a curve 2004-01-29
Senthil pose la question :
between line and curve how can i find intersection point? could you write me the formula and explanation also sir.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Is a cylinder a type of prism? 2004-01-29
Rebecca pose la question :
Is a cylinder a type of prism?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Order of operations 2004-01-28
John pose la question :

I am trying to find out any information concerning the development of the order of operations. for example, when (why/how) did it become the case that 2 + 3 x 5 =17, rather than 25.

any insight is appreciated. Thank you.

Penny Nom lui répond.
Sin(3x), cos(3x) and tan(3x) 2004-01-28
Jon pose la question :
What is the identity for cos3x, sin3x, and tan3x? In class, we learned double angel identities and were asked to find out the identity to these three trig functions. If you can help, please do. Also, i know that the cos4x- sin4x is the same as cos2x. Is cos8x-sin8x = cos2x also true? Thank you.s
Chris Fisher lui répond.
Sets 2004-01-27
Susan pose la question :
My child has the following problems to solve, and we are puzzled. 1. Compare the subset symbols to the inequality symbols of less than or greater than.

2. If A, B & C are sets such that A has 47 elements, B has 32 elements, and C is a proper subset of B, what can you say about the number of elements in the following sets: A U B? A intersect B? B U C? and B intersect C?

Penny Nom lui répond.
The London marathon 2004-01-27
Nina pose la question :
After a years training, Minnie Midriffe increased her average speed in the london marathon by 25%. By what percentage did her time decrease?o
Penny Nom lui répond.
Ounces into cubic centimeters 2004-01-27
A student pose la question :
how do you convert ounces into cubic centimeters? Ex: how does 12 oz. change into cc.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Three digit combinations 2004-01-27
Kevin pose la question :
how many 3 digit combinations can be made with 0-9. i have been told only 1,000. when i asked jeeves the response was 750 without using any digit twice. i have entered a raffle and received a ticket with 4 sets of 3 digit numbers.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Lead weights 2004-01-26
Jeff pose la question :
I am making a mold for my decoy anchors. I need 10 - 12 lead ounce weights. How would I determine the liquid measurement for that weight? For example if I melted down 10 ounces of lead how many cups would that be or quarter cups etc?

I would like the formula if I could and good instructions on how to use the formula.

Penny Nom lui répond.
Polynomials 2004-01-25
Bruce pose la question :

A polynomial is defined as
Polynomial functions are functions that have this form:
f(x) = anxn + an-1xn-1 + ... + a1x + a0
The value of n must be an nonnegative integer. That is, it must be whole number; it is equal to zero or a positive integer.
The coefficients, as they are called, are an, an-1, ..., a1, a0. These are real numbers.


  1. why must n be positive?
  2. what are some historical facts about the evolution of the definition?

Harley Weston lui répond.
|x^2 - 12x| = 8 2004-01-24
Sherre pose la question :
|x2 - 12x| = 8
Penny Nom lui répond.
Bundles of asphalt shingles 2004-01-24
Larry pose la question :
According to my study material 4:12 multiplying factor for shingles is 1.054. The question reads as follows: A building with a floor plan of 3350 sq. ft. and a roof slope of 4:12 will require _______ bundles of standard asphalt shingles.
Harley Weston lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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