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Three numbers are added in pairs 2004-02-12
Jane pose la question :
When three numbers are added in pairs, the sums of the pairs are 22, 39, and 45. What are the three numbers?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Driving from Sarnia 2004-02-11
Jane pose la question :
"Crystal drove from Sarnia at 80km/hr. Emily left Sarnia one hour later and drove along the same road at 100km/hr. How far from Sarnia did Emily overtake Crystal?"
Claude Tardif lui répond.
Digits in the decimal expansion 2004-02-11
Leslie pose la question :
In the decimal expansion of 1/17 what digit is in the 1997th place?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Sums and differences 2004-02-10
David pose la question :
The sum of two whole numbers is 63. The difference between the numbers is 10. Find all the possible pairs.
Claude Tardif and Penny Nom lui répond.
Three times a year 2004-02-09
Graham pose la question :
What is the term for a report that is submitted three time a year or at the very least a prefix term for one third
Harley Weston lui répond.
Will be shinning in 36 hours? 2004-02-08
Kim pose la question :
It is noon, you lunch hour, but you cannot go out because there is a terrific hailstorm. Turning on you radio you hear that weathercaster predicts that the hail will change to rain and that it will pour all day today. How can you determine whether the sun will be shinning in 36 hours? Justify your answer.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Graphing lines 2004-02-08
A student pose la question :
how do you solve y=1\3x+3 and y=1\3x-3 by graphing?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A/30 + B/105 = (7A + 2B)/x 2004-02-05
Jim pose la question :
If A/30 + B/105 = (7A + 2B)/x and A, B, and x are integers greater than 1, what must x equal?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A quadratic word problem 2004-02-04
Carl pose la question :
A walkway of uniform has 72m2 and surrounds a swimming pool that is 8m wide and 10m long. Find the width of the walkway.
Penny Nom lui répond.
$20,000 at 25% compounded daily 2004-02-03
A student pose la question :
Hi there, I'm tying to figure out how much interest I would pay on 20,000 if it was 25% compounded daily.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Geometric sequences 2004-02-03
Alan pose la question :
hello, I am a junior in precalculus. we started working on geometric sequences today, it makes perfect sense on how it works. but why is it called that? if you could send me an answer to why geometric sequences have that name, I would be much appreciative.
Chris Fisher lui répond.
The volume of a tetrahedron 2004-02-03
Joseph pose la question :

How do I calculate the volume of a bird tetrahedron. I'm trying to find out to get extra credit. I came with this idea while making a origami tetrahedron.


P.S. Do you by any chance have instructions for orig ami figures. If you do, please send me some. Thanks!

Penny Nom lui répond.
The incline of an exercise machine 2004-02-02
An exerciser pose la question :
This is a question about incline percentage. On an exercise machine if the elevation is raised 3 and one half inches from a level position then what would be the incline percentage?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Angular speed 2004-02-01
Rachel pose la question :
A 4 inch pulley on a motor makes 1500 revolutions/minute. It is connected to an 8 inch saw blade. a. Find the angular speed of the pulley in radians/minute

b. Find the angular speed of the saw in radians/ minute

Harley Weston lui répond.
Logarithms 2004-02-01
A student pose la question :
Where did the word logarithmic come from? Where/whom did it originate?
Harley Weston lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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